I have node named pve too. Small world.
Well I drive a heavily touch-screenified car, and I hate it. Have had the damn thing for almost a year but I still get nervous when I have to adjust the A/C.
They won't stop until even the pedals are touch buttons, are they?
What kind of motor oil would you recommend to pair with liver and fava beans?
That is woke. Banned.
You can have devices on your wifi network without giving them access to the internet. You set your firewall (which, for most people, is the router that comes with the internet subscription) to block all internet traffic to and from those devices while still allowing them to communicate with the other devices on the same local network. Fairly straightforward on most routers with a little bit of time spent looking up the basics.
I think Blendo is the greatest, but my dad says it doesn't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, it doesn't even run down the arena.
They could be, but that wasn't standard behavior. When laptops started to become a thing it was realized that having hot swappable peripherals made too much sense to ignore, so some devices had improved ps/2 ports and controllers that could do that.
I genuinely don't see the problem with those. Amber lights on the left side of the car light up, that can only mean one thing. There is no ambiguity there whether they're playing snake or just flashing. I have never, on no occasion, found myself confused by those.
My daily rider set me back 75€. A second hand omafiets, very well built by a local company, aluminum frame, a super comfy seat, hub dynamo, a rear wheel lock built into the frame + a fairly good chain, fresh-ish tires, a spacious basket at the front and an attachment point for another basket at the back. Perfect city bike. And it was such in great shape that all I had to do was make some adjustments to its shifter and that was basically all the maintenance it required for a good while.
Obviously I count myself EXTREMELY lucky for having stumbled upon this listing at my local second hand marketplace, but my point stands. There are a ton of very reasonably priced second hand bikes that are perfect for daily use as primary transports.
Why wouldn't they? Links did not stop turning purple, this still happens very often.