
joined 2 years ago
[–] gsfraley 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There actually are a couple phones out with this already, though they're mostly Chinese builds. E.g., this one has a screen that wraps around the back:

[–] gsfraley 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, I'll throw my voice into the downvote chain and say you're absolutely right. Saying crypto is tied to Moore's law is hot garbage. I really, really don't want to defend crypto here since 98% of its use now is for scamming people, but there are a lot of clever consensus algorithms now that escape scalability issues. Computational waste is still a problem across the board, but that trend is shrinking in some of the newer coins, not growing.

Like I said, I wouldn't touch crypto with a ten-foot pole, but everything you said here is completely correct, right down to the co-optation of what started as a set of impressive enthusiast projects.

[–] gsfraley 16 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

Wtf are we even doing there? Even if we're trying to sell out Ukraine, I don't see much happening without Ukraine at the table. The motivators are going to be sticks and carrots. The best carrot I can see the US getting Ukraine is peace or ceasefire alongside the cessation of some of their land. But that ignores that Russia broached peace agreements twice in this mess. So it's not possible to trust anything Russia offers (kudos on that 4D chess, Putin, you pathetic slobdog).

That leaves leaning on the rest of Europe and continuing the resistance as the only viable option. Unless we give them sticks, which would be insane and fully exile the US as a pariah state from the rest of the free world. It would kill trade and drop us into an instant depression. Which they might think they're fine with, but that's quite a shortcut to the guillotine.

[–] gsfraley 24 points 3 weeks ago

I am. Eat shit.

[–] gsfraley 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Left and right sides of PA, too, please and thank you


[–] gsfraley 14 points 3 weeks ago

What a damning question-dodge

[–] gsfraley 131 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (4 children)

The founder of Path is a young man named Marshal Webb. I wrote about Webb back in 2016, in a story about a DDoS defense company he co-founded called BackConnect Security LLC. On September 20, 2016, KrebsOnSecurity published data showing that the company had a history of hijacking Internet address space that belonged to others.

Less than 24 hours after that story ran, was hit with the biggest DDoS attack the Internet had ever seen at the time. That sustained attack kept this site offline for nearly 4 days.

Fuckin' yikes. Some serious skeletons clearly visible for everyone to see if that's the echo to the call.

Edit: <Redacting this edit so as to not spread misinfo, a website I thought was down is, in fact, still up, just sans www. subdomain>

Double edit: spare a buck for Internet Archive if you can, y'all, we need this shit if we're going to hold civilization together.

[–] gsfraley 18 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Today’s ruling is likely to be appealed by Griffin, first to the state court of appeals, and then ultimately to the state Supreme Court, which dismissed an earlier petition from the GOP candidate as premature.

Shit's exhausting. Not that we should let ourselves actually get numb or exhausted from it, but you really have to admire their lack of scruples and complete dearth of any moral character.

[–] gsfraley 20 points 3 weeks ago

Haha considering just how much irrelevant third-party training data you'd be looping into a format conversion, this metaphor really is spot-on.

[–] gsfraley 15 points 4 weeks ago

It's brave individuals like yourself who are doing the lord's work 🫡

[–] gsfraley 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Yeah, I'm actually kinda curious to see what it would do, since the command is pretty nonsensical. Probably just an immediate failure along the lines of "/ is a directory"?


Hey everyone! I've made a whole lot of progress on the Mistletoe project! Quick rundown is that it's a package manager for Kubernetes where the packages are WebAssembly modules. You can write packages in any language you want, as long as it compiles to WebAssembly.

I set up a site, blog, and book at the URL above, and will continue expanding them. But more importantly, the changes are more than cosmetic, and I've made a whole lot of progress on the actual engine.

It's not released yet, although you can build it locally if you're ready for a very unstable toolset. But things are continuing pretty fast, and I'm hoping to get some binaries out sooner rather than later.


Hey all! I'm looking for some input on an idea I've been kicking around for a while and just started hacking on the past few days. I call it "Mistletoe", and it's yet another Kubernetes package manager, like Helm. I'm writing it due to some frustrations I've had with Helm in the past not supporting more complex cases.

I'm still in the early stages, so only the most trivial parts work, which is why I wanted feedback before I really put the gas on. The cliff's notes are that it's a Kubernetes package manager where the packages are WebAssembly modules that take input YAML strings and output Kubernetes resource YAML strings. It turns out that writing packages for it is pretty braindead simple, so I have high hopes, but please feel free to give me a reality check if I'm spouting nonsense.


Header text say "statisticians be like" and then there's a bunch of graphs and shit, then bottom text is all like "yeah this may or may not happen, idk"

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