He is adorable!!!
You forgot the phase when you learn that there are games about the fall of the Empire and you decide that your life isn't over before you save the Empire from overwhelming darkness
Aka until you beat Attila as the WRE and make history right
Still one of my proudest achievements of my life.
I recognize Warband in the first picture... I think I need to fire it up again.
I hate Honorius
I hope we all as a community can agree on hating Honorius
No Honoriuses allowed here
P. S.: In Attila, you can get Honorius killed by defeating him as a general in a battle
By the way, I like how in the second picture, the sword of the soldier has "New Emperor making kit" inscribed on it. I think that's a good motto of the Praetorian so-called guard.
Bei mir in Bordeaux habe ich erst gestern eine Mücke im Raum entdeckt. Es ist zwar bei uns auch irgendwie ein Weihnachtsmarkt, aber das Wetter ist so unweihnachtlich wie man es sich vorstellen kann. Die Bäume verlieren gerade ihre Blätter, und es fühlt sich eher nach Anfang November an als danach, dass in zwei Wochen Weihnachten ist. Bald schreibe ich Klausuren (in Frankreich endet das Semester bereits Ende Dezember), es geht spannender. Dafür aber auch viel Zeit für mich, was auch sehr schön ist.
Yayy, Scout Equites for the win!
I really like your post and the changes! Obviously it is a very divisive and polarized event. In my opinion, the lines you have drawn help in creating a productive discussion environment. I am very happy to have an admin team who can deal so well with this situation - thank you for your work and this post! I sincerely appreciate it.
I want to know more!
That is a very good point - thank you for bringing it up. You are right.
I hope this death was enough for the rich people to realize that they need to change, and that no more people will die. I presume that's something we can agree upon.
Yes, I understand. It is really really gray and complicated here. I'm very conflicted here - on one hand, murder is always a death of a human being who could improve and also has good sides, see my parent comment. On the other hand, exactly as you write sometimes the death of a person means that others will survive.
My point is that no person deserves to die BECAUSE OF WHO THEY ARE - that's exactly what the Nazis did. But I absolutely understand the ethical argument that people deserve to die for WHAT THEY DO. If you cannot stop a greedy CEO otherwise (because the judicial system is maybe a little tiny bit biased towards the rich), there really isn't another choice for fulfilling your rights. And I can honestly respect your argument that in this case, murder may be an overall good thing. I don't know where the line for me is, to be honest - but I acknowledge that is has to exist somewhere.
I hope you understand though why from my perspective the dragon metaphor is a bit too simple, because as our thread shows the topic isn't easy at all :/
PugJesus has blessed us with a new meme today