It is a bit ironic you have coffee beans as a background - true Soviet boys dont cultivate coffee, they cultivate potatos and other vegetables!
Mein Bingo für Januar 2025 ist sowieso schon längst überfällig
Am I the only one who thought of Morrowind when reading Mudcrab?
Hmm, I think your position is well-founded. I agree - shooting people usually created division and doesn't solve the underlying problem. However, that doesn't mean that it has to be like that in every case.
I personally propose to wait a few years before judging. It is very against the spirit of the Internet, but you raise a valid point - there is very good ground to suspect it will have negative consequences.
I disagree with you here. Many people already fought and pushed for the peaceful option in the last decades. Also just for clarification: this isn't a struggle for wealth or glory - this is a fight about literal human life's. And I will be honest with you, if one person who has committed terrible actions dies, but as a result many more people can live (see the Bluecross reversal), it is difficult for me to say that it is a cognitive dissonance to fight for the peaceful option and to accept that violence may be necessary here.
Rise and shine, and sign the petition!
This is a question I never ever thought about, but thank you for posting it - now I wonder about it as well
Gg! Or something, I dunno.
It is pretty normal to not feel a lot. I actually felt weighed down by the diagnosis. Different people have different experiences, your feeling is absolutely valid.
I personally choose to not disclose mg diagnosis unless it brings me benefits. Basically I disclose it e.g. when it comes to accommodations (e.g. apartment or in university), and I've told a few close friends, but generally I prefer keeping it private.
In the end I think it is important for you to figure out what your diagnosis means for you: is it a part of you, but other parts are independent from it, or does the diagnosis define you? It comes a bit down to the person vs identity first approach.
Also don't forget the diagnosis doesn't change you as a person. I'd heavily recommend continuing your life as before, without implementing ant large changes for now. Give it time to settle.
I would like to add another viewpoint to the discussion. I am German, and for me it would heavily depend what you think while you wear it. Basically if I would ask you "what do you think about us Germans in Ghana", the reply of the person would determine if them wearing Lederhosen is inappropriate or not. I absolutely agree with the fact that recognition of the mistreatment is the key point here; however, you often cannot recognize it from the outside. Obviously if someone wears a big MAGA sticker on their back, or a "Black Lives Matter" pin, it is easy to comprehend; but as very often in life, most situations aren't as easy as that. Long story short, we often cannot recognize from the outside if something is cultural appropriation or not; we would need to ask the person.
I disagree. While I understand to some extent the idea, I also think these people have agency and choice. I live in Germany, and the discussion "did people under Nazis really have a choice?" is probably one of the most heated topics in the historical discourse. Short answer, yes they had to some degree. You don't have to cave in before the new overlord, and while we all obviously have to adapt to some extent, we don't have to praise them.
Machen wir jetzt einen Länder-Imperialismus 2.0 oder so? Wird dieses Mal schon sicherlich gut gehen...
Ach Mann, habe mich vorgestern für den Newsletter von ICAN (international committee for the abolition of nuclear weapons) angemeldet. Irgendwie denke ich, es ist gute Zeit dafür.
That is really interesting! Thank you for sharing, I learned something new :)