
joined 10 months ago
[–] gmhh 4 points 1 month ago

I've been using Librewolf for quite some time now and am genuinely very happy with it. All the big distros package it, so it's not hard to install. You can scale up/down how private you want your experience and then see how that breaks sites if that's a concern for you.

[–] gmhh 0 points 1 month ago (3 children)

usually, yes. It can be used almost amodally, especially if you use the GUI interface, but there are some pretty important features that just can't be used without switching modes

[–] gmhh 0 points 1 month ago

Helix looks interesting, but it won't work for me for some of the same reasons that Vim doesn't. Again, my calcified brain's problems and not a problem with those interfaces.

My limited understanding is that Helix's dev(s?) actually did work on Vim's codebase and want to put what they learned there to good use.

[–] gmhh 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Zed's web page seems to come down pretty heavily on the pro-LLM side of things. Do you know if that can be toggled off or not?

[–] gmhh 3 points 1 month ago

Lapce is definitely going on my to-experiment-with list.


I purchased a license for Sublime a few years ago, when I seriously thought that the way forward for me was to continue working in IT. That didn't play out, so I'm now free to expunge one more piece of proprietary software from my life.

I've spent literally years at a time with modal text editors as a job requirement, and I know that I just don't work well with them. This is not to say that Vim and Emacs are anything less than excellent. This is a me problem and not a them problem.

The editors I've found that have worked best for me in the past are probably Textmate and Sublime. Notepad++ runs a close third, and there is a Linux port these days!

The one thing I will not do is Electron-based editors. Besides the enormous resource usage of having a browser instance fired up for them, I've had malware try to coopt the JS backends of Electron text editors in the past. (On an interesting short-term contract gig cleaning malware out of websites.) It's left me pretty gunshy, and I don't need extra stress.

I've been down the lists of editors at certain wikis, and experimented with several of them. Kate seems like the best GUI editor and Micro seems like the best terminal-based editor.

However, I've been living in a relative vacuum on this subject for more than a decade and would appreciate others' opinions.

[–] gmhh 11 points 8 months ago


[–] gmhh 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Some of these demand that the terminal you use them with is kitty:

alias ipc='curl'
# btop is *pretty* bloat!
alias htop='btop'
# I'm kinda proud of this oneliner. It's pointless, but it was fun. It displays a random square image when you run
# neofetch rather than the default ansi art
alias neofetch='filarr=(~/Media/Images/1x1/*.*) && fil=${filarr[$RANDOM % ${#filarr[@]}]} && neofetch --kitty $fil' 
# comics are an important part of my life
alias gd='cd ~ ; gallery-dl'
alias gde="cd ~ ; gallery-dl --chapter-filter 'lang == (\"en\")'"
alias yd='yt-dlp --sub-langs all --embed-subs --embed-chapters --progress --paths home:~/Downloads'
alias subl="/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text"
#exa is currently unmaintained. eza is a maintained fork. It installs a link to exa, but...
alias ls="eza --icons --hyperlink --group-directories-first --git"
alias icat="kitty +kitten icat"
alias mem="grep -e Dirty: /proc/meminfo; grep -e Writeback: /proc/meminfo"
alias flush="sync"
alias links="links"
alias q="qalc"
alias hf="history 1 | fzf"
# tile the first two kitty windows and resize all kitty windows to 915x945, redirecting any errors to /dev/null
alias tk="xdotool search --class kitty windowmove %1 30 105 windowmove %2 975 105 windowsize %@ 915 945 2>/dev/null"
# only ask for password once on long updates
alias yay="yay --sudoloop"
[–] gmhh 2 points 9 months ago

The only issues I've had are a) learning curve using BTRFS and its associated utilities and b) difficulty differentiating snapshots. I learned REAL DAMN QUICK to give those guys descriptive comments like 'snapshot before 2023-12-16 update'.

[–] gmhh 2 points 9 months ago

system config and system data are in my root subvolume, home directory, dotfiles, and some data that I want to be accessed at SSD speed are in my home subvolume. This all gets timeshift backup/snapshots. The rest of my data is located on spinning platter sata drives, which is backed up regularly using a different method (weekly rsync job that copies to a cold backup drive.)

[–] gmhh 5 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I've been using luks on btrfs for a couple years now with little issue. I'm not using the RAID features of BTRFS though. I'm using it for subvolumes and snapshots.

I personally like Timeshift as my snapshot utility simply because I kinda grok both its GUI and CLI interfaces. It's saved my bacon a few times over. I like rolling release-type distros, so it handles the occasional bad update gracefully. I've heard folks say good things about Snapper, though.

[–] gmhh 17 points 10 months ago

This smacks of 'Canonical realizes it has to shoehorn in all popular apps to make Snap capable of competing with Flatpak'. Steam is, for better or worse, one of the most popular applications in the world right now.

Right now, Canonical is doing the same thing Sony does whenever they try to float a new media format: Beg, Borrow, Steal, Blackmail, Bribe, and Bully anyone they can into using it to try to maintain some control over the future of that media. Also, right now, they're in the same place that Sony WAS in when VHS hit the market. Betamax/Snap was/is failing not just for technical reasons, but because it's bad for everyone around for one bully to control an entire market.

[–] gmhh 11 points 10 months ago

I have a friend who makes mascot costumes. She and her husband sometimes wear them out for entertainment. Little kids absolutely ADORE seeing human-sized Pokemon walking around the mall, bowling alley, or the like.

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