If he needs an excuse to do something he will always just manufacture one, so worrying about some action against him giving him that excuse is pointless and will only serve to hamstring any resistance to him. It's time to throw everything at the wall until enough sticks to tear it down.
The fact that the word "populism" has gotten so demonized in the past 20 years or so by only being associated with the right wing is almost as frustrating as how the word "liberal" got a way better reputation than it deserves by being associated with everything left wing
Only time I can ever remember ever upvoting a Fox News link
Off the top of my head, individual lawmakers could have put holds on his cabinet nominees to slow down their consideration and limit the amount of damage they could do, but instead they let people like Marco Rubio sail through and only started exercising that power on lower level appointments after Rubio had already destroyed USAID
I'm pretty sure that's wrong*, both cohorts had decreased voter turnout. They're not becoming conservatives, they're pissed that Dems campaigned with Liz Cheney.
*I have to say pretty sure because our modern pay to play media landscape and search engine fuckery has made it more of a pain in the ass to find reliable statistics than I have time for
I don't know, but if I was a fascist troll who wanted to keep opposition to the Republican party unpopular and divided that's what I would post
I am hoping for a 9 Thermidor
tl;dr Robespierre and his buddies had been doing a Reign of Terror and guillotining all sorts of his former allies in the Assembly for a bit, when Robespierre gives a speech to them and says (basically) "I know some of you in here are counterrevolutionary traitors, and I will have your heads chopped off too soon enough, but I haven't decided who yet, so you better all be really nice to me." That makes a bunch of people in that legislature say (basically) "This crazy little asshole is going to kill us all one by one if we let him, I hate you almost as much as I hate him but let's work together and stop this already." Within a few days, Robespierre was dead and France had a new government, which was pretty terrible and got overthrown by another government (which was also pretty terrible, and etc., because French Revolution), but it chopped off fewer heads than Robespierre's did.
They already routinely pretend that anyone who crosses a border is a criminal in their rhetoric and will find a random bullshit misdemeanor something in 99/100 cases where they want to, but, yeah, this would give them another way to do that. I struggled a bit with laughing at this one because there is a real sinister intent here (thank you for highlighting it btw), but it is also just such smooth brained fascist behavior that I couldn't help myself.
I like to support workers too, but these ones can absolutely go get fucked. The guards say they're just now striking over a 2021 law to restrict solitary confinement use (archived), which is enough to make me say they can get fucked, but I'm pretty sure that's all a pretext and the real reason they're doing this is because it takes attention away from the criminal case against a bunch of guards for beating a prisoner to death (archived). Either way, this going on is causing prisoners to be denied meals showers and medical appointments (archived link within).
If they want to agitate for better pay, more staffing, and better treatment for prisoners (e.g. get them their medical appointments and prescriptions so they're less likely to have violent mental health episodes), I'm right there with them, but if their definition of decent working conditions means they get to be unrestrained and unchecked sadists then let's please go full Pinkerton on them all.
The moves are an abrupt shift for the Justice Department, which had previously argued that the “plain language” of Trump’s pardons covered only crimes that occurred on the actual day of Jan. 6 and in proximity to the Capitol
DOJ: "Our position is very reasonable, the January 6th prosecutions were a political witch hunt and we're just trying to undo the damage from them. It's not like we're handing a get out of jail free cars to people for any crimes they ever did just because they showed up for our boss on that day."
Trump administration: "[glares silently]."
DOJ: "... Our position is very reasonable, the President can hand out get out of jail free cards to whoever he wants and anyone who suggests otherwise hates America."
"Using my own time for work stuff is unacceptable to me, and I am prepared to quit this job and get a different one that doesn't ask me to work off the clock if you press this matter."
Don't try to reason them into accepting your way of thinking, just state your position and what you're willing to do to pursue it
Incidentally, if "I am prepared to quit this job" does not currently apply to you, you should not be having this conversation.