I long to end the age of capitsquidism and return to a ancephalo-communist way of living
it'll become its own capsule of meaning. Like how a shrug can mean anything in context. Just sending a Donny Mug whenever something excretious happens
460,000 children go missing each year in the USA.
on the other hand, I self ID'd as straight for 35 years until I felt safe not to do so. So it looked like I just appeared in the early 2020s
I always assumed it was a sexual reference
"when you mildly inconvenience people you shouldn't be surprised if they retaliate with chemical weapons" is peak conservative thought leadership
is he even a good salesman or does he just have a lot of money and people want that money?
in that case crafty is probably more vital to a movie happening than the DP.
My advice is to watch it up until they conclude the Ouroborous / OurRobOrRoss thing, and consider that the end (S7E3 I think).
for one - it's an infinite warehouse, so the parts of it that are near stars, black holes, planets, moons and comets are destroyed, sucked in etc, creating several stable "rare-Earth" conditions at the Goldilocks distance from heat sources, and using the debris from collision follows the same basic principle of how life on Earth started, but with melted plastic from the burned cds instead of in water. Life - uh - finds a way.
I know I'm nit picking here but that's the point of examining infinity, but wouldn't it be foolish to say "there are no examples of hydrogen gas becoming sentient under any circumstances!" because, well, we're both sentient decendants of a reaction between two or more hydrogen atoms.
Yes the conditions that led from hydrogen > helium > deuterium > ... > ... > ... single celled organisms > ... > ... primates > ... > ... humans are incredibly complicated and specific. But what if we applied the same complicated and specific process (or an infinite variation thereof) to the CD factory. Are you sure it's impossible? and worse yet - can you prove it?
I mean some road had to be near Stonehenge. Just like theres a nearest road to the Pyramids or the Eiffle Tower or the grand canyon.