The colors in this photo are beautiful. You can really see the contrast pop between each element of the composition.
I'd guess both are made of cells with lots of keratin in them, though i am making this up as i go.
Does that answer the question?
Plants crave me. Fish fear me.
He might be an idiot, but he's a useful idiot. I get the feeling there are smart people at play, just using trump as a puppet more or less.
Edit: I guess my point being, yeah it can always get worse, but i feel like we're already pretty far along in terms of how bad politicians can be. The way it gets worse after this i think is them gaining more and more control over the government.
God I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this aren't i, but i still want to know. What system would we replace capitalism with once it's gone? True communism doesn't really seem achievable given how it's turned into something else every time we've tried it. Socialism seems a bit more reasonable as we have societies already with socialist structures in place (albeit coexisting with capitalist structures). Are there any other systems I'm unaware of that we would plan on implementing?
We would need some plan, because if we were to put every business owner at the end of a rope it'd still leave something akin to a power vacuum. stuff would need to be created at that exact moment but the people hadn't yet developed the structures to do so in the wake of the businesses who had done it before. A situation like that is just begging to reverse all of the work it took to get there. Capitalists and even probably feudalists would be itching to take up control over the means of production first chance they got. So what would we plan on implementing first, before they got the chance?
If this is made by a human then i do not understand the artistic vision.
Well now i feel worse /j
Especially if it has widespread knowledge and downloads.
You can have one fatal crash. As a treat.
Imagine being a little water droplet, floating through the sky, accumulating other water droplets to your cause, eventually growing heavy enough that you can leave the rain clouds blowing you around and you fall hundreds of feet only to land directly in some dude's anus.
Why does Lemmy not have a "block this particular post" option?