As I get older I more and more have a problem with #1, I don't like a lot of people.
Of course, there's a small percentage I percieve as interesting. But they also need to see me as interesting, be available, need to be open to dating, agree on finding out if we. match before committing, have at least a bit of fun with my sexual kinks, have healthy relationship patterns, have polical views in a way we wouldn't fight about etc. etc.
If each of these factors has a probability we can multiply them to get the overall probability of me dating successfully.
That's my personal Drake Equation of dating successfully. When I was younger, some of these factors looked different, I was less selecting (liked more people) and I would ignore a lot of my needs and wants.
Like the original, which predicts it's really really improbable to find alien life, my personal Drake Equation Of Dating says it's nowadays. mostly improbable I'll find a woman I want to be with.
I think a few more factors are important to me nowadays, and even when I'm willing to compromise in a lot of others - I'm currently not really believing it's worth the effort anymore.
Ich hab mich als Vater viel um meine Kinder gekümmert, mittlerweile sind die auch groß.
Was aber wirklich krass war, als die klein waren, das war, dasa sehr sehr viele andere Kinder von ihren Müttern betreut wurden - und die haben dann nicht gearbeitet. Besserverdienender Stadtteil (ja, so einer mit dem Elterntaxis, anderes Thema). Die Anzahl der fähigen Frauen mit Hochschulstudium, Berufserfahrung, die dann aber nicht mal ne Teilzeitstelle hatten war bemerkenswert.
In einem Land wo wir Fachkräfte brauchen, in einem Land wo wir uns gleiche Rechte wünschen ist so was wirklich unsäglich. Gleichberechtigung basiert nicht nur auf gleichen "Rechten", sondern auch darauf verschiedene Lebenswege und Entwürfe zu realisieren.