
joined 2 years ago
[–] froh42 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

All those Hitler comparisons hit very close, as I'm German, born long after the war. It was. my grandparent generation that allowed things to happen.

I have utmost respect for people who speak out against atrocities their country does, but in sucj a case - Hitler or Putin - being silent is agreeing.

The woman in this video just whines how everyone treats her badly. If she had said one time, she understands because of what her country does - and then say, how it makes her life bad, I could somehow sympathize. This way - I can not.

I have a Russian coworker who started business meetings with a minute of silence for the Ukrainian victims during the full invasion. That is something I can respect.

I never got any details, but I have reason to believe my own grandfather arranged himself with the Nazis, some say he was a party member. Others say, he and my grandma hid someone from them. Nevertheless he managed to own a soft drink factory (and quickly got a Coca Cola contract after the war)

I'm fucking fed up with people who arrange themselves with dictators and are just opportunists. As this woman obviously is.

[–] froh42 4 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Yes, riiiiiiight - as well as my grandparent generation had noooothing to do with the things that happened here in Germany during WW2.

I would get it if she'd acknowledge what her country does and state that she doesn't agree with Russia invading other countries. But this tearful "everyone treats us soooo bad", blaming everyone else.... fuck, no.

[–] froh42 1 points 7 months ago
[–] froh42 2 points 7 months ago

By the way, random selection is one of the few methods to guarantee a fair and representatative sample.

In case of a library I'd want at least part of the catalog represent media of the times is was created, because science also uses that.

One reason archaelogy in Pompei is valuable is that everyrhing - including pornograhic graffiti and slander was preserved, giving us a different perspective into those times than books by medieval historians.

Of course, I'd also want - in another part of the catalog - books/media by manually selected scientists, artists, historians.

[–] froh42 1 points 7 months ago

As gas stations have enough room for more expensive "ultimate" versions of fuel, I don't think that's the reason. You can frequently get two kinds of Diesel and three kinds of Gas at the pump.

O. t. o. h..maybe the whole "premium fuel" hype resulted from stations having additional tanks after leaded fuel was phased out.

[–] froh42 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Tbh, I have no idea. The whole of Europe was late to this. The first catalytic conveter cars were sold in 1973 in the US and 1985 in Germany.

Switzerland made them obligatory in 1986, Germany made them obligatory only in 1993 - because that was an EU-wide regulation.

The only thing I can imagine is the big political influence car makers have in Germany, but that's just "what sounds reasonable to me", no proof.

[–] froh42 2 points 7 months ago

Damit bringst Du mich gerade erst auf einen Gedanken. Warum war Andi so ärgerlich wegen 1 Pimmel? Identifiziert er sich als 0 Pimmel? Oder war er früher auf Lases und war u/DoppelDödelDigga?

[–] froh42 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Da bin ich schon durch, hatte vor 10 Jahren ne kutane Leishmaniose aka Orientbeule. Wird durch Sandmücken übertragen. Wo gibt's die? In Südeuropa und seit kurzem auch (noch vereinzelt) in Deutschland - weils durch den Klimawandel warm genug wird für die.

Ach ja, wurde erfolgreich behandelt, war im Gesicht und laut Wikipedia "heilt nach ca. 2Jahren spontan ab unter der Bildung entstellender Narben"

[–] froh42 1 points 8 months ago

Ich bin jetzt traumatisiert.

[–] froh42 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Wow. Sleep - it isn't as I try to get good sleep every day, but the moment I lie down my brain gets into overdrive.

Exercise - great. If I wasn't bored to death while doing exercise it might work.

Music - great. I get headphones and start vibing to the music, forgetting what I wanted to do in the first place, but I apply creativity and make AMAZAING playlists...

Really, who ever wrote all that down has no ideas what ADHD is. These are calming ideas for normies.

Watching funny movies - yep, I do that for four or six hours at a time, but it doesn't make me more productive.

Sun - hmm, all the vitamins I take haven't cured me, neither did crusing in my old convertible getting sunburn on my neck and arms

Pets - You really want a pet to stay at my place, where I have to regularly take care about them? Poor pet. I might forget feeding for a few days. O. t. o. h. I have a lot of plants, every single one quite drought resistant by natural selection.

Stay positive - yeah, as long as my impulsivivity isn't giving me intrusive ideas.

Ok, I have lived all my life with my own ADHD brain, and I really do have a number of strategies that help. But crap like this guide trivializes the struggle and it doesn't make me calm, it just makes me angry.


[–] froh42 29 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

*echte Patrioten 🇷🇺🇨🇳🇷🇺


Das ganze Design von denen is weiß blau rot

[–] froh42 21 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Fuck, Germany introduced unleaded fuel only in 1984 and still offered leaded fuel for a long time.

It was required because of the introduction of catalytic converters, which would get damaged by lead in the fuel.

When I was at Bundeswehr I was in hospital for some time and got some thorough diagnosis. They asked me if I worked with lead in the past (no), so I seem to have at least some lead levels in my body.

(Can't think of a I AM NOT CRAZY pun right now)

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