Yes, riiiiiiight - as well as my grandparent generation had noooothing to do with the things that happened here in Germany during WW2.
I would get it if she'd acknowledge what her country does and state that she doesn't agree with Russia invading other countries. But this tearful "everyone treats us soooo bad", blaming everyone else.... fuck, no.
All those Hitler comparisons hit very close, as I'm German, born long after the war. It was. my grandparent generation that allowed things to happen.
I have utmost respect for people who speak out against atrocities their country does, but in sucj a case - Hitler or Putin - being silent is agreeing.
The woman in this video just whines how everyone treats her badly. If she had said one time, she understands because of what her country does - and then say, how it makes her life bad, I could somehow sympathize. This way - I can not.
I have a Russian coworker who started business meetings with a minute of silence for the Ukrainian victims during the full invasion. That is something I can respect.
I never got any details, but I have reason to believe my own grandfather arranged himself with the Nazis, some say he was a party member. Others say, he and my grandma hid someone from them. Nevertheless he managed to own a soft drink factory (and quickly got a Coca Cola contract after the war)
I'm fucking fed up with people who arrange themselves with dictators and are just opportunists. As this woman obviously is.