
joined 2 years ago
[–] froh42 8 points 6 months ago (4 children)

Als Münchner macht mir das gerade Angst, weil es sein kann, dass es nicht an einem Linksruck liegen wird.

[–] froh42 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I can't relate as well, as I live in a city where things are really really aafe. But there are places where a women are afraid to walk alone in the dark, even for a few steps. (And even in safe places some people are quite afraid)

I'd be very careful with remote diagnosis. You. might be right, she needs therapy. She might just be afraid, because something bad happened to her some time.

The only way is for OP to have a good talk with her what's bothering her - and then he may come to a conclusion. As of now, there's just not enough information.

[–] froh42 6 points 6 months ago (10 children)

Beledigte 1KB ZX81 Geräusche.

Ok, ok, keine Geräusche.



[–] froh42 4 points 6 months ago

Der Merz hat auch ein bisschen mehr in der Tasche als den Gegenwert einer Wohnung in der Stadt. Das ist echt die Scheiße auf der einen Seite die Finanzelite, auf der anderen Seite die Leute, die am Hungertuch nagen - und alles was uns einfällt änder nix an der Tatsache das 1% der Menschen 80% des Kapitals haben - aber das was mal Mittelstand WAR solls dann bezahlen.

[–] froh42 3 points 6 months ago

Interessant, i. d. R. muss man kurz zum Standesamt.


Austrittsbestätigung aufheben, soll schon vorgekommen sein, dass die "vergessen", dass Du raus bist und Kohle wollen.

[–] froh42 1 points 6 months ago

I'm 53 now and was considering getting an official diagnosis a few years ago, I even had the initial appointments set up.

I canceled it, because there was too much going on in my life at that moment (even got a notification I could reschedule for later)

All that made me think about what I was hoping for from diagnosis. In the end it was just having something in writing that would help me with self-acceptance.

Around that time I also was in a group psychotherapy so I talked about that and that part is now solved.

Regarding meds - I don't want to try them now as my other coping strategies are good enough at the moment and I'm a bit wary of side effects as I need to take a handful of. medicine every day, anyways.

In the end you need to decide why you want a diagnosis. If you want to try meds I'd go for it. (My son "inherited" it from me and had meds for a time, which really helped him).

In a case like mine where I didn't expect any new strategies out of it or didn't want meds - it was probably the right decision to skip it.

[–] froh42 9 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Do we already have c/dontputyourdickinthat?

[–] froh42 2 points 6 months ago

Oh man, you should ALSO have taken off 1.1.1970 (IIRC) to get that day off.

[–] froh42 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Speaking for a friend, they crashed the Mini Clubman S I love... sorry, THEY loved very much because of a WhatsApp that just arrived. Some one five cars ahead or so had to slam their brakes - eyes on the street would have made the reaction time "just enough" but even looking away for one second caused the crash.

Learn from my err friend, don't look at your phone while driving, even for a very short time.

Damage on the Mini was more than its worth at the time. No one was injured, but even what looks like a small fender bender can quickly get very expensive nowadays.

[–] froh42 2 points 6 months ago

Ich hoffe, daran stört sich niemand.

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