
joined 2 years ago
[–] froh42 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Und bisschen Mifepriston dazu.

[–] froh42 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

6 bits per digit, 12 bit words. Octal (8) number system.

[–] froh42 1 points 1 week ago

Oh wow, thanks for the tips! I'll check them out.

[–] froh42 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

It was "The Avatar" in a German translation. I read it twice or so at that time - and it's many years since, so I have only a dim recollection of all the details, but a lot of politics, and (if I don't mix it up now) questionable physics regarding light speed and mass, a lot of sex and some weird gaelic inspired poetry.

Maybe I'll find a copy one day again, to have a new look with my now old eyes and different woldview.

From what I've seen on goodreads or so I had a bit of misfortune as The Avatar isn't known as his best work. But beggars can't be choosers, at that time I got my sci fi fix by browsing the one bookstand with scifi in the central station's bookstore next to my bus stop home after school... they threw me out once or twice "This is for buying books, not for reading"

[–] froh42 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I have just read one Poul Anderson (when I was a teenager) and the most important thing I remember was people fucking each other all the time.

[–] froh42 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I always thought it was the christian brand version of Roman Saturnalia.

[–] froh42 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Heh PLA. While it is made from starch it's also not (really) biodegradable, it just is in a very controlled environment.

And PLA still is plastic.

[–] froh42 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I personally absolutely agree of getting rid of that shit. I just said there are big hurdles, and you need to do so in a very organized and based on proof way.

You can't just outlaw them because you don't like them, that doesn't work. Germany having laws against hate speech doesn't mean there's not also a law about freedom of expression in the Grundgesetz.

You need to prove them to be against democracy in a watertight way. That's what I mean with not willy-nilly.

Or as I read it once: Democracy implicitly protects its enemies.

[–] froh42 6 points 1 week ago

Look, there's president Musk and the first bro.

[–] froh42 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Quite contrary, we have a big problem censoring Nazi speech.

We have some very specific rules when something can be censored and when it can't - and the far right has quite some training in "just not saying that, maybe only implicating it a little".

So any legal action outlawing then needs to rest on really solid legal basis or it will fail. Such a failure would be the propaganda the right wishes for.

Consequently they are always just shy of openly saying things but implying them. Like having election posters where their politicians can say "No we're not showing a Hitler salute in that image, we were just miming a roof of a house over a bunch of kids"

Sometimes a single politician gets caught with doing something too far, but then (of course) the whole party acts like they are shocked.

Getting rid of this shit is not easy, unfortunately. We can't censor what we don't like willy nilly.

[–] froh42 14 points 1 week ago




I have a couchsurfing guestbook and and some guests left me a few small hrynvia bills in 2018. I just rediscovered them and think about my guests who visited me in Munich and just hope everyone is safe.

This is not global news, just about remembering everything is always about real people with faces and names who just want to do nothing else but live normal. lifes.

Slava Ukraini! A lamppost made out of brown mud. Night scene, city scape, glistening in the neon light.


Sorry, couldn't resist the clickbait title, but yes, THOSE should be checked from time to time, too.

But the PSA I want to say is: Check your printer for mechanical problems if you have trouble. It might not be obvious in the first place.

In this case my Ender 3 Pro with sprite was printing a horrible first layer and the z offset was never right - when it looked ok on the left side of the x axis it was off on the right side and vice versa. (Regardless of endless tries of bed tramming and using a bed mesh)

It turned out I had the eccentric nut on the right side of the gantry tightend too much when mounting the sprite, so the right side of the gantry was not moving freely enough.

Now I adjusted the eccentric nut, so I can juuuuust turn the wheel with my finger a bit, maybe a bit looser that what was explained in this video:

(And people, don't purchase a single Z axis printer if you can avoid it. When I bought my Ender there was a HUGE price difference to dual Z, but nowadays thigs look much better)

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