Honestly, sounds like my dog. She would throw pretty much any other dog under the bus, especially the ones with the gall to approach her fence.
I really hope he just has the worst injector in the world and this isn't permanent. If it's a face lift, it's what he deserves, but I'm not sure the rest of us should have to look at him like that forever.
This truck is on to something. I asked my dog if she put a nano chip on my body and she said no, but it sounds like something the huskies next door would do.
But consider this: a bunch of pharoahs were inbred as fuck, so Trump probably would've fit right in as soon as he started talking.
I'd love to be judgemental about this, but I'd absolutely be in that 25% of women who did it too.
If it's in the Caribbean like another commenter mentioned, it may not be USD. XCD to USD is $2.70 to $1.
One of my coworkers just retired and they said she'd never missed a day in 47 years and I had the same reaction. Like, sorry, unless she's secretly immortal, no fucking way did she go her entire adult life without getting sick even once, so thanks for bringing all your germs in, I guess. Hope the single sentence in the employee newsletter most people don't read was worth it.
Well, they're saying they are. They're definitely still on board behind the scenes and they'll be public about it if Trump wins.
I don't have meat, I just think penne is the worst pasta.
It's not penne, and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.
It's me, I'm big bear.
Yeah, but what about what the rest of us deserve? It's so awful.