well that's just not smart.
lol zero production costs because they're not a production studio, genius, lmao. they do have a shit ton of overhead costs though - look into it instead of acting like it costs nothing to be the largest video hosted site on the planet.
Speaking of childish, that's how that woman in the picture is acting, thinking ONLY of herself. It completely DOES make a difference, SHE'S IN A LINE, GENIUS. Lines only work when the objects in them continue to shuffle forward in constant progression. Any 1 year old knows this, why doesn't she? Why don't you?
i would literally go around her. if it's all the same to you sweetie, i'll just behave like a rational person and take all that open space up in line. ain't nobody (normal) got time for that sh..
we all have a choice. we didn't just 'end up' where we are, every decision we made along the way got us there. so yea you had a choice you didn't just land some horrible job that doesn't give you time to game.
do you know what a 'boomer' is? it's slang for 'baby boomer' and it's a specific age range of people born at specific times. plenty of people younger than that are on FB every day. just saying, if you didn't know what 'boomer' was, it doesn't just mean 'old person'.
do you really need a forum to talk about marvel snap? lol. just saying that card game is pretty fun but easy. what is there to talk about? (tongue in cheek)
i too would like to hear more about this grease. please continue
It’s definitely meant to be savored.
Most people did not do this nor needed to since the very beginning of cell phones
We literally do not need replaceable batteries in 2023