Just want to encourage people to go. I recently saw a Yo-Yo Ma performance. I went there thinking. "Sure it's going to be great" but was completely blown away with the technique and proficiency of the playing. I realized that these types of complete masters of art do not come around very often. Even if you have a casual interest go see it.
Beastmaster is my cat's favorite movie. No joke. If I put it one she will watch the whole thing. She was not impressed with beastmaster 2.
Unfortunately until gaming companies see their base users move to Linux I doubt any changes will happen. But this could be a very good step in that direction if YouTubers start promoting Linux is the way to go for games and web browsers. Some people don't use anything else.
Very happy that they dedicated the time but man there still some weird pop in stuff, audio problems, clipping through walls, rough animations. I played yesterday and Claire was just standing in the middle of a car talking in a cut scene. I respect they went real big, but still rough around the edges coming off of Witcher 3.
It's sad to hear but I think we all need more news stories of people dying trying to take photos in nature. While hiking the past 10 years I'm surprised how many people at the top of cliffs are just gathering for selfies. Idk why they don't realize that not going to the absolute edge maybe 5-6 feet away is the exact same photo and tripping backwards wouldn't immediately kill them.
Oh yah. Check out some of the creatures from his work. They knew what they were doing.
I'm sure no artist will ever paint her in an unflatering way after hearing this. Did NGA leak this or did she make a public statement?
Looks great too! But yah better to wait a minute and get some excitement that isn't overshadowed.
That is what that was! I did really well on a run struggling to make progress but the enemies suddenly seemed to be impossibly stronger.
Agreed. I'm sure it will always exist. This is the first hardware issue I've ever had with apple so they have been great overall but it does make me wonder about buying another laptop from them.
What about rclone? I've found it to be amazing for cloning or copying.
Oh yah. Glad you liked it. The game is a masterpiece. I keep trying to get people to play it and everyone has the same reaction. "Sure sure, I'll check it out..." they don't understand how special it really is. Despite being like 95% positive and getting rave reviews from everyone. I did get a writer friend to play it and she couldn't believe how amazing the writting was. I think it really changed her mind about how video games can be a unique form of writing. I need to start a new game of DE!