
joined 11 months ago
[–] fluckx 11 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

YouTube music/premium never grew on me. It simply wasn't as good as google play music. ( in my honest opinion )

[–] fluckx 14 points 2 days ago

Talk about a reverse UNO card.

[–] fluckx 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Im confused by your answer.

The paragraph you quoted was basically formatted as:

If it works the same as on android, <the way it functions on android>.

So you're not meant to be familiar with how it works on android because the second part of the sentence explains what you need to know.

Every new picture you take on iPhone will be synced to proton drive. It does not have the concept of albums. It's just one big photo reel.

[–] fluckx 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (4 children)

If it works the same way as android it will upload all the pictures you take with your camera.

Edit: deleting pictures from the phone won't delete them from your proton drive

[–] fluckx 17 points 6 days ago (3 children)

They dont need to know any commands.

Everything in Linux is point and click. There's an app store where you'll find everything you'll need. You will not need to open the terminal at all. All drivers will get installed through the OS.

Only things which do not work are the keyboard software and stuff to map macros to your keys and/or mouse buttons ans tweak the colours. Like the Razor software.

Distros like Ubuntu, popos, Linux mint are incredibly beginner friendly. There are, without a doubt, others.

They didn't need to know any cmd/powershell commands using windows and they definitely don't need to know how to use a Linux terminal to browse/mail/install software on Linux.

[–] fluckx 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Qui gon was reincarnated?

[–] fluckx 7 points 1 week ago

I am stealing this.

[–] fluckx 35 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

We do this to find criminals, drugsdealers, paedophiles and terrorists. MEPS are never part of any of those groups.

Source: trust me bro >.>

Rules for thee and not for me.

[–] fluckx 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Just pull yourself up from your bootstraps. Some of us only got 1 million dollar to make it when we turned 18. /s

[–] fluckx 12 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Well. Now seems to be a good time to be ashamed to be Belgian.

Shameful politicians :(

[–] fluckx 6 points 1 week ago

Even if that were the case, there is a big chance of a government bailout if too many of them get hit.

We had terrible floods a few years ago and most of the insurance agencies pulled their hands off. Eventually the government agreed to split the cost 50/50. God forbid they had to pay what was defined by their contract.

[–] fluckx 4 points 1 week ago

Unfortunately they do have some decent games published.

"A way out" and "it takes two" were both really good games ( hazelight studios ). No surprise mechanics, no predatory anything. Just coop fun!

Xbox controller over dongle (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 1 month ago by fluckx to c/linux_gaming

Hello fellow Linux gamers!

I've recently switched to nobara for gaming. I've had no real issues so far and it's all running smoothly! Queue my Xbox controller.

A year or two ago I bought an Xbox wireless control ( 2020 version according to the order ). Now I wanted to use the controller, but it is not being detected. The light keeps blinking. On nobara itself it looks like it mounted the dongle as a USB Stick.

That would explain why the controller isn't connecting.

How would I best go at tackling this? Any tips? I've already ran the following command:


This installed some drivers and required a reboot ( which I did ).

Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by fluckx to c/macos

Hello all,

I've recently gotten a MacBook pro at work. In the past I've mainly used Linux, so the switch isn't super drastic. I'm mainly getting used to the shortcuts. My work mainly involves DevOps related work.

Things I've installed so far ( besides standard things like an IDE ):

  • neovim
  • brew
  • rectangle
  • jq / uw
  • docker desktop
  • iterm2

I have some coworkers excited about Alfred, which I have installed, but haven't really used yet. Looks like an enhanced spotlight?

Any apps/tools you can recommend which makes your life easier on Macs? Hidden productivity gems?

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