
joined 2 years ago
[–] fluckx 22 points 10 hours ago

Geolocation is an accurate way to predict the user’s language.

This makes me so angry. It really really really really really does.

Despite setting everything to English I still get my receipts in French. And all because my IP is CG-NAT to the capital which is marked as french speaking.

What is so hard about letting me decide. The absolute fucking arrogance thinking you as a company know better than me in which language I would like to be served.

Eat a dick Microsoft.

[–] fluckx 2 points 1 day ago

Some states get all the luck.

[–] fluckx 4 points 1 week ago (5 children)

To be honest I feel very uncomfortable buying an EV on the used market. Mainly because you don't know how the battery was charged/used.

The recommendation is to keep the battery between 10 and 90 or 20 and 80 for battery longevity. But a lot of cars ending up on the second hand market are leasecars. And they don't care about the battery that much as they'll return it anyway in 4 years.

If you buy a 2nd hand car that is 4 years old and your battery is ducked after 3, you might as well buy a new one given the cost. Something I feel is less of a risk when buying 2nd hand ICE cars ( though the clutch on those cars is usually ducked because people need to start-stop like a racedriver because reasons ).

[–] fluckx 4 points 1 week ago

Hahaha for some reason the generic sodas from Aldi/Lidl/... Slipped my mind. Most of them don't taste that great though. Guess it's a good excuse to just drink more water ( and add a bit of lemon juice or other slices of fruit for flavour ).

[–] fluckx 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I've barely seen any of the drink alternatives (unfortunately).

Besides Redbull, which I don't drink, I've seen fritz cola, but that's usually at 2-2,5x the price of a coca cola. As an alternative that really stings.

[–] fluckx 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

As far as I know the license doesn't "do" anything. It's just supporting the dev:

  1. Will there be any paywalled features? No, there will never be any paywalled features.

Source: https://immich.app/blog/2024/immich-licensing/

[–] fluckx 24 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It's kind of like Instagram, but it picks a random moment during the day for you to take a picture. ( When you're awake normally ).

When the app goes off you have 1 minute to take a picture. If you miss it you can't post a picture anymore.

It's a bit of a reaction against the perfect pictures you see everywhere and people having amazing lives all the time. You'll see pictures in your feed from friends/family just chilling in front of tv. Sometimes it'll be nice timing ( oh wow! Just when we're at and other times it'll be when you're having a movie night with your SO.

I say friends/family because AFAIK you need to be friends with somebody to able to see their posts.

[–] fluckx 8 points 1 month ago

It seems an actual reduction in work hours.

[–] fluckx 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I can only imagine the influx of job applications they must be getting RN

[–] fluckx 22 points 1 month ago

Oh dear lord >.>


[–] fluckx 30 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Is this new? I vaguely remember something like this happening shortly after he bought Twitter and made it more "efficient".

Like by disabling some services which prevented 2FA codes from being sent out.

[–] fluckx 1 points 1 month ago

Yes. It's not running anymore. But the entry lingered in the startup section ( for whatever reason ).

I've also had a case where starting my Mac gave me "file cannot be found" notification, and that was also related to software that was removed. Running a cleanup tool removed entries I couldn't remove myself (ui) and the error disappeared.

New gaming rig (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 4 months ago by fluckx to c/linux_gaming

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to buy a new gaming rig as my current machine feels like it's getting a bit dated. Been gaming on Linux for the past 6 months to a year. Ditched Windows around the time they announced ads and that recall bullshit.

What are your experiences with gfx cards and their drivers? I haven't bought AMD (gfx) in... Over 20 years. Online results show conflicting answers. Some swear by AMD, others say the drivers are unstable and they need to reboot when switching games. Other say never to update the drivers as long as stuff works.

Currently have an Nvidia 2080 super. Which has served me quite well. But newer games are starting to give it a hard time. Never really had any driver related issue.

I have a friend with an AMD gfx ( windows) and he's not super happy with it. Game/pc crashes related to it apparently. So I'm a bit on the fence about AMD.

I'm not sure what to look for in a cpu. I currently have an AMD. I guess more expensive is better and that's about it? Is there a noticeable benefit of the amd 9 vs AMD 7 series?

I'm not looking to overclock any of the hardware.

What's the standard regarding memory nowadays? I've got 16 in my current rig, and more can't hurt. I would never go under 16. Was looking at 32 but I've seen PCs with 64 and wondered if that is just overkill or not.

I've mainly games on nobara, but recently switched to bazzite as I've been meaning to give that a go. I didn't really have any complaints om nobara.

Side note: my monitor supports Nvidia whatsitcalled, but not free sync I think.

Counter strike 2 issues (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 7 months ago by fluckx to c/linux_gaming

Is anybody here playing cs2? The game runs natively on Linux, but its more laggy than it was on windows for me. If i run cs2 in proton it works better than natively on Linux, but I'm unable to play competitive that way.

My issue is the following: the game just hangs/freezes occasionally. The duration is random. Could be 3-5 seconds, could be 10. Could be that I'd have to restart the game.

This occurs sometimes in the warm up before a match or when the bomb explodes.

It happens most consistently when i press the escape button in-game.

I'm running it on nobara/KDE. I've got the latest graphics drivers, tried validating the game files.

The game is set to run full screen ( as windowed fullscreen caps the framerate to 60, while the screen supports 144 ).

I can add more hardware info if required. The PC is 4 years old so its not ancient, but also not latest and greatest ( amd CPU+nvidia rtx 2080ti ).

Anybody else ran into this behaviour and ( hopefully) found a solution for it? Googling only left me with sites telling me to upgrade my gfx drivers on windows or 6 year old threads of CS:GO on windows.

Switching between wayland and x11 didn't really seem to make a lot of difference. It feels a little bit better on x11, but negligible.

There isnt really anything running on the backgroudn except discord.


Xbox controller over dongle (self.linux_gaming)
submitted 10 months ago by fluckx to c/linux_gaming

Hello fellow Linux gamers!

I've recently switched to nobara for gaming. I've had no real issues so far and it's all running smoothly! Queue my Xbox controller.

A year or two ago I bought an Xbox wireless control ( 2020 version according to the order ). Now I wanted to use the controller, but it is not being detected. The light keeps blinking. On nobara itself it looks like it mounted the dongle as a USB Stick.

That would explain why the controller isn't connecting.

How would I best go at tackling this? Any tips? I've already ran the following command:


This installed some drivers and required a reboot ( which I did ).

Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by fluckx to c/macos

Hello all,

I've recently gotten a MacBook pro at work. In the past I've mainly used Linux, so the switch isn't super drastic. I'm mainly getting used to the shortcuts. My work mainly involves DevOps related work.

Things I've installed so far ( besides standard things like an IDE ):

  • neovim
  • brew
  • rectangle
  • jq / uw
  • docker desktop
  • iterm2

I have some coworkers excited about Alfred, which I have installed, but haven't really used yet. Looks like an enhanced spotlight?

Any apps/tools you can recommend which makes your life easier on Macs? Hidden productivity gems?

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