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[-] fart_pickle 4 points 10 hours ago

GrapheneOS running on Pixel phone.

[-] fart_pickle 1 points 21 hours ago

I have it already installed.

[-] fart_pickle 56 points 21 hours ago

And people ask me why I de-appled...

[-] fart_pickle 2 points 21 hours ago

I would be happy to see privacy respecting AI assistant in Proton products, especially Proton Mail. English is not my native language and every now and then I need to use 3rd party services to compose a professional sounding email. Having this built into Proton Mail would have made my life easier. Also, having a feature that detects and labels faces and features in the pictures stored in a Proton Drive would be an amazing addition.

[-] fart_pickle 14 points 22 hours ago

If you feel sick talk to your doctor. Internet "knowledge" doesn't work in case on medical issues. So called tips and tricks may work for a person who posted it but it could be dangerous for you. If calling a stranger (in this case a doctor's office) invokes anxiety, talk to a therapist.

[-] fart_pickle 63 points 23 hours ago

I would have never expected the EFF to use a lame click-bait headline like this one.

submitted 23 hours ago by fart_pickle to c/[email protected]

I've been using open webui for some time but I wanted to test the Alpaka, a KDE app -

When I click on an "Install on linux" button, Discover app is opening and gives me this error "Could not open appstream://org.kde.alpaka because it was not found in any available software repositories." When using dnf there's no such package as Aplaka. I can find and install other KDE apps. What am I missing?

I'm on Fedora 40, KDE spin.

[-] fart_pickle 3 points 2 days ago

Ollama seems pretty good. I've been playing with it recently and when combined with openwebui, it makes pretty nice local chatgpt. But I agree, there are more pressing issues I would like to see fixed/implemented.

[-] fart_pickle 6 points 2 days ago

ollama + openwebui. Selfhosted (hasn't check if it tries to contact mothership yet) and pretty good with the answers, especially when ran on GPU.

[-] fart_pickle 8 points 2 days ago

There was a question about AI and privacy. Don't remember exactly what it was but it was something like "What do you care the most about integrating AI into products" and most of the answers were about the privacy.

submitted 3 days ago by fart_pickle to c/protonprivacy

Earlier today I received an email from Proton with an annual survey. Among standard questions there was a significant amount of AI related questions, e.g. mail assistant. Does it mean Proton is looking into AI?

[-] fart_pickle 8 points 6 days ago

Voice assistant that allows to perform common tasks like setting up calendar events, sending emails, opening apps, etc. Bonus points for "connect to server abc" and the assistant would open the terminal and ssh to abc server.

[-] fart_pickle 1 points 1 week ago

I have not. I will have a read, thanks.

submitted 1 week ago by fart_pickle to c/selfhosted

I'm a happy user of Inoreader. I like it so much I'm considering buying a premium plan. However, I'm looking for an alternative I wouldn't have to pay for. I came across FreshRSS. The only thing that's keeps me from moving is the sync. I don't want to expose it to the internet but I want to be able to access it on a move. My first idea was to use Syncthing. Is there a way to use Syncthing to sync feeds, settings (read articles, subscriptions, etc.) across different devices? By different devices I mean Linux, macOS (optional) and GrapheneOS (Android) phone.

submitted 3 weeks ago by fart_pickle to c/technology

Single portrait photo + speech audio = hyper-realistic talking face video with precise lip-audio sync, lifelike facial behavior, and naturalistic head movements, generated in real time.

submitted 3 weeks ago by fart_pickle to c/protonprivacy

I have setup Proton Mail app to autostart when I log in. It works fine but I want the app to start minimized. Is there an option I can pass to the proton-mail command to start it minimized?

submitted 1 month ago by fart_pickle to c/protonprivacy

I just stared using Proton Pass, moved from Bitwarden. I have few simple questions about Proton Pass configuration.

  1. How can I switch to light theme on the website and in the Firefox addon?
  2. How can I get rid of the available passwords counter on Firefox addon?
submitted 1 month ago by fart_pickle to c/[email protected]

Is there a way to add Spotify to Android Auto running GrapheneOS? So far I have gotten to the point where I can add a new shortcut using the Assistant command. However, no matter what I tried, I wasn't able to add Spotify to the apps.

submitted 1 month ago by fart_pickle to c/selfhosted

I've been playing around with the self hosted apps for quite a while and I got to the point where I'm happy about my local setup. Next step is to setup reliable offsite backup. I'm using borgbackup as a tool to manage my backups (so far only local backups). I've been looking for an affordable yet reliable service to store my backups. Is worth it? According to the "internet" it's a good service but wanted to double check. What do you think about it?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by fart_pickle to c/technology

Okta, a company that provides identity tools like multi-factor authentication and single sign-on to thousands of businesses, has suffered a security breach involving a compromise of its customer support unit, KrebsOnSecurity has learned.

submitted 7 months ago by fart_pickle to c/technology

John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity, the company whose 3D game engine had recently seen backlash from developers over proposed fee structures, will retire as CEO, president, and board chairman at the company, according to a press release issued late on a Monday afternoon, one many observe as a holiday.

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