this is my plan when it stops working, and I think everyone should do the same once they brick them. throw it into a box, hand write a note that says "stopped working. repair/return or refund please. account #1234567" and mail it to the office in your country. New York, for me. when they won't do either, start making noise about Spotify stealing your device and demand its return or sufficient compensation by any channel available.
sweet, a quantum immortality tester that prints money.
as a gay, I take some undeserved pride in being so terrifying to straight conservatives that many of them started walking around with poop on their butt because they're scared if they touch their b-hole they're suddenly gonna "break" and go gay
for real. had a friend with a big relatively-new truck with a stubby bed try to have me help him move. I show up with my 2003 ford ranger, made before trucks primarily became male fashion accessories. he'd teased me about it before because it's apparently a "small truck". yet somehow barely anything fit in his toy truck and my "small" truck handled his couches and mattresses fine. teased him about his truck in return, used the ol "not the size it's how you use it" line, and have never heard him talk shit about my little truck again.
He's an incoherent idiot.
so, he's someone most of his followers can directly relate themselves to
I'm really liking the idea of the day-to-da experience for a working mage in the magical standards agency responsible for keeping all these things in order. An even more arcane IEEE, if that's possible.
Spells extracting energy from another magical system MUST send a request for draw before beginning extraction. High-capacitance spells SHOULD respond to all requests with positive authorization if sufficient capacity exists, but MUST reply in some way.
This series seems to check more boxes than I thought I had...
i'm adding it to the top of the list. Except i don't have a list, so I'm creating a list and adding it to that and therefore it automatically finds itself at the top of it.
I always thought it should be "unlock", because that's more what is happening. you're not buying it, renting has a connotation of a fixed term ownership time, but unlock describes the action.. they've had the movie the whole time sitting there, probably in a CDN near your home already, but you're not allowed to see it until you pony up. it's locked away.
same. I buy a lot of software/games and media/music/movies, and before I buy I always make sure I can pirate it down the road if I need to. if I can't, I reconsider how much I need it. I'll switch to my pirated copy at the drop of a hat without a drop of guilt. if it has annoying or unperformant drm? it makes me sign up for an account to use my paid software on my own computer? its servers go down and it won't boot? switched.
interesting, only the most basic info is included about my 19 year old account. I've always been very conservative with the info I share online though.
back in the day, everyone was regularly reminded that the internet is a wild west and only by safeguarding your personal information and using pseudonyms and avoiding identifying info can you have a chance to be safe and have a good time. but now that PII is profitable, all the big internet companies tell you the opposite so they can make a buck. I think this is the inevitable outcome of it.
sorry to hear a baddie is clinging to you, that's always quite troublesome. it can be hard to do anything about it. shitty as it is, your best bet is usually to become an undesirable target: boring. they're school yard bullies. they do it for the reaction, that's it. the more you react, the harder they try. fucking assholes.
this was my experience too. kept putting it off because I assumed I'd need to tinker a bit. didn't at all, worked immediately with only the simplest configuration. genuinely amazing, I wish my software worked that well.
I was once personally responsible for making Red jump off the long ledge in front of the elite 4 in the very first Twitch Plays Pokémon. it happened a lot but I know I caused it once. sometimes it's so easy to be a villain.