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[–] experbia 1 points 11 months ago

i agree with this and don't even think about it because it makes so much obvious sense, and i confuse people often who believe it to mean the one after the next one (aka "this" one) smh

[–] experbia 14 points 11 months ago (4 children)

most of this is sensible but who seriously would ever do those nature's valley bars dirty like this?? they're so good.

i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed...

[–] experbia 3 points 1 year ago

That there's a spatchalur, or more commonly a "spatch" for short.

If you're around people who are all "proper", it's a spatula.

[–] experbia 11 points 1 year ago

Sorry sir, you're going to be assessed a "late night" surcharge to make up for the dramatically reduced volume. It's only fair, seeing as we need to pay the employees to basically just sit around waiting for you at this hour.

[–] experbia 33 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They're outright accepting less customers in favor of those willing to pay higher prices.

This is exactly it. I have seen folks saying we are entering a new kind of economy: a kind of "whale economy". After seeing it work for mobile apps and games, other normal companies are wising up to the fact that your revenue will be the same if you charge 10 times what you were and lose 9/10 of your customers as a result... but your expenses will be lower. less labor, less equipment, less materials, less time. The 1/10 who stay and pay the high prices out themselves as "whales", the people who probably have enough money to never care and will probably just keep spending even if the prices keep going up and up and up.

The majority of us are about to become low value customers... and therefore, not have easy access to common goods and services any longer. This will make perfect short term sense to each company doing this, but will promptly collapse what's left of our economy into ruin.

[–] experbia 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

the thought process goes something like: relatively easy to remove the tire quickly from even most locked bikes (not everyone will run their locks though the frame and also front tires too). rubber is useless, chuck it, metal could be aluminum and could be sold for scrap for pennies.

[–] experbia 1 points 1 year ago

yes. I am not sure how beggars became such strong choosers, but it's very distasteful.

the program was written for the command line, for command line users, and for absolutely free. if you are not comfortable with the command line, you are perhaps not the target audience for the tool. you are not entitled to force hobby developers to build things in the way you prefer so you can use it the way you want to use it. they built it the way they like it. their opinions of their own project are the only ones that matter.

if you don't like how the software works (that someone made for you for free with their own time and is now allowing you to use it), make it yourself. if you can't, learn what you need to learn to use it or modify it... or stop complaining.

[–] experbia 33 points 1 year ago (1 children)

School recruiters are basically practicing pedophiles. They disgust me. They:

  • hunt for vulnerable children, who might be more prone to complying due to trauma or disability or even just recent social happenings or baseline teenage angst
  • try to talk to them one on one so adults won't interfere
  • entice them with treats or games or other such things
  • try to convince the kids to agree to do something they don't yet understand

The SOP of a school recruiter and that of a practicing pedophile are so similar that I wonder how many of the latter are created after someone has been the prior simply due to how the job demands you to operate and consider the kids as just resources... or how often the prior becomes a career path for the latter simply to justifiably increase their access to children.

Back in the late 2000s, I got pulled in to the office in high school because I told the recruiter visiting the school that he was a massive piece of shit and needed to stay away from me and my friends if he knew what was good for him. I said this after he sat down near me and, idk, tried to bond? By calling my female friend that left "a real hottie" and tried poorly to insinuate I could probably seal the deal if I was a hot army boy. Baseline revolting statement from an adult to a child for one, I'm gay for two, she was lesbian for three... so I said what I said and apparently my words were sufficiently hurtful that he ran to the admin to cry about it and I got told off because that kind of language and sentiment is unacceptable towards someone "just doing their job" at the school. They found no issue at the time with his ingratiation technique, though I never saw him again.

[–] experbia 3 points 1 year ago

no it's OK, didn't you hear? it's illegal to talk about that in Florida. it's all fine again! Ron just made the climate change illegal! it has to be fake now, because it's illegal for it to be real!

[–] experbia 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

why do you believe a single person using the table to eat food from the establishment is "hogging" it, whereas two people using the table for a social meeting aren't?

[–] experbia 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

why would you care for people who exploit the baseline care given from others but themselves do not care for others? you're enabling and encouraging this breakdown of societal care by accommodating the loud-mouth arrogant bullies like the "hurry up" woman to the degree that you seemingly elevate them above the average person.

"being kind" does not mean "being a doormat", you seem to have conflated those things.

[–] experbia 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I would consider it rude the hog the table

and I consider it similarly rude to just walk up and tell someone "hurry up".

why are you acting like the person at the table now is inherently inferior to the one that wants the table? OP is "hogging" the table as much as the girl would have when she sat with her friends. less, because she's there to meet someone socially and not just eat and leave. she'll be "hogging the table" for a lot longer. if someone new walks in right when her friend sits down with her and says "leave, this is my table now", you believe the correct course of action would be to immediately end the friend meetup and vacate immediately, as commanded? what if the new person is just 1 person? what if the new person represents a party of 5?

if your goal, as it seems, is to minimized use of the shared resources to maximize throughput use and thus make it available for the most people, then you would not support the idea of meeting friends at a restaurant at all.

why is the person sitting alone using the table for its intended purpose of eating a meal from the restaurant inherently inferior to a person wanting to claim a space to sit at and socialize for a while? why are the latter so superior that it justifies such rude behavior towards the prior?

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