Only congress can declare "war", but as far as I know, that hasn't happened since WW2. The president just does what they want.
Yeah, just because racism might look different in other countries doesn't mean that other countries don't have racism. For Latin America in particular, early colonialism was often perpetrated by single men enslaving the local populace and/or importing from elsewhere. The plurality of people enslaved were sent to Brazil, with additional huge numbers going to carribean nations and the rest of central/south america. Only ~10% went to what is now the US and Canada.
English colonization in north america at the very earliest was also single men, but it quickly became a place where families would immigrate, so the colonists population was bolstered naturally. In Latin America, the colonists "intermarried" (which i don't think is a responsible word to use in this circumstance) with those under their control. This lead to different class structure than in the English colonies. It's only natural that this would result in different concepts of race.
The story here doesn't really seem to line up. Generally, for a fossil fuel based system, coal is cheap, but slow to start (nuclear is similar in that regard), so it is used to generate the base level of electricity needed. When demand starts to go up, generation is added by natural gas plants that can start and stop more easily. Whether natural gas is cheap or not, the fact that these plants aren't always on means that the energy they produce will cost more.
Solar/wind are predictable enough that they can be used to reduce the baseline demand, supplied by coal. Peak demands still end up getting addressed by natural gas.
If renewables were putting the expensive natural gas generation out of business, we'd see those plants closing while coal stays level, but we see coal going down and natural gas going up.
Using the Texas example from the article, you can see their coal plants closing or converting to gas while more gas plants open.
If they are re-investing revenue, it's not profit. I would want them to be able to expand, pay employees better, etc. What I wouldn't want is for them to make money and just pay dividends to shareholders.
It's like these people forget they have to breath the same air as us.
It's quasi-public, which is weird. It is subsidized, but just barely (they have like 95% farebox recovery), so i don't think it's even responsible to call it subsidized like road and air travel.
I bet if there was enforcement of train priority laws, they could even be a revenue generator. Philosophically, I dont think they should be, though.
I haven't read the exact statutes, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Some compounds, like phosphates and nitrates, are well studied, and so experts can put limits in place that they know will result in good outcomes. Unfortunately, there are an infinite number of potential contaminates someone could dump into a body of water, so for anything less well studied, it's really hard to make limits. The EPA apparently just set a backstop that said something along the lines of "whatever you put in the water has to still result in good water quality".
Now that the Supreme Court has shut that down, a polluter can put anything in the water that isn't specifically disallowed. For a (fake) example, maybe Forever Chemical x2357-A is shown to hurt wildlife at concentrations over 2 parts per billion (after lots of expensive, taxpayer funded research), so the EPA rules that they have to keep it below 2 ppb. The company could adjust their process so their waste is Forever Chemical x2357-B instead, and they can release as much as they want.
The EPA basically just gets forced to play whack-a-mole spending lots of money to come up with specific rules to the point that they can't actually do their jobs.
I think you are missing my point. The Fulbright program was started by the US that does exchange between the US and other countries, and the cost is shared. The trump administration is cutting funding for anything it disagrees with.
If the University of Helsinki advertises to US students to come to Helsinki to research climate change through this US program, the US just won't fund it. Likewise if they advertise to Finnish students to go research equitable housing policies at an American university, the US just won't fund it.
The only people hurt by advertising for people to do Fulbrights on topics the trump administration doesn't like are the people who want to do that kind of research who will fill out applications that will never be funded. If you are asking people to submit proposals on those topics, you are asking them to waste their time.
Obviously, Finland can (and I really hope they do) fund Americans to study in Finland, and Finns to study in the US, independently of the Fulbright program, but the fulbright program itself is subject to the whims of the US govt.
If I'm reading the auto-translated Swedish right, it seems like the issue is Finnish universities are advertising the scholarship program for students who want to go learn in the US, and they are using terms that are leading to programs being canceled in the US.
The US counterparts have asked the Finnish Universities to change how things are advertised because they don't want the program to be shut down since it is important. If I was in their shoes, I would be asking the same thing.
Seems overall upsetting, but not nefarious like this article makes it sound. I don't think it's really a moral victory to keep the advertising the way it is, and just have the program cut off; everyone loses. I suppose that since it's a program to promote cultural exchange, it's bound to be shut down by the US govt anyway, so maybe it is best to just go down with the ship (not sure if that's an idiom that translates to finnish).
My manual says:
So i guess you can use it indoors, but I definitely don't.
You hit the nail on the head; tarping needs to be done when it's warm out.
Looks like you are stuck with fruits, grains, herbs, and ornamentals in the front yard, then, lol.