I wonder if someone got to eat it. Or was it just on display until it didn’t look good anymore.
Don’t starve together is one of my favorites that works on like every platform
Users mentioned in this post?:
Hungryphrog(thanks bro!)
Brittani Nichols
Ultimate point: we aren’t built to work our whole lives????
I would like to know more
I got an immersion blender recently that I’ve been loving. Small and easy to clean. Not sure about salad dressing but it definitely could do hummus.
Thank you! FYI the claim link says “already claimed” but I was still able to get it from the other link.
The packaging for the toys is probably 26% of the waste! I despise plastic and the insane amount of useless junk my kids get for Christmas.
I watched an episode of Law and Order SVU where the detectives march in and arrest a CEO of an insurance company because they kept denying something or other. Immersion ruined!
Now that would be awesome.
I use it handheld primarily. The difference in my phone is weight. With the port on the bottom, handheld charging becomes almost impossible without constantly putting pressure on the cable and port.
At least the bird is actually dead. Live maggots!?