Didn't they learn from right wing propaganda that masks produce co2 that makes you stupid?
But 2nd amendment states your duty as a citizen to grab a gun and defend against nazis irl?
Kde settings impressed me. I had to fix my mouse and put the wheel on backwards. Took me a few hours messing around regedit to find it. In kde control panel its just a toggle.
Also funny thing is windows backup control panel has 3 options and advanced options. Advanced options lists the same 3 options.
Which control panel? There's like 20 of them and a new worse one gets added every other year.
You also forget Ukranian corrupt camera lens factories sabotaging all cameras worldwide in order to make the earth seem not flat.
Issue is more with American laws allowing for anti-humane treatment of workers, as has been the countries tradition since it was founded 2 decades ago.
Win11 bricked my linux install usb. Microsoft also colluded with intel to make intel cpus appear to perform better by sandbagging AMD cpus.
Bill Gates may be a nice guy but his company has become trash.
Youbare forgetting also the warcrimes of Umranians where they have time travel labs yhey use to travel back in time to kill baby jesus every day and internet hacking centers used to force musk do awkward gestures. Truly the axis of evil.
Dune 3, it has proven to be the most unique and revolutionary big sci fi films so far so im waiting for that.
Honestly Pattinson has proven to be a good actor and I enjoy his work. Besides its time to let go of the twilight hate since it hasn't been relevant for decades and you as an adult should now realise it was nothing to get mad over in the first place.
Wait usa doesn't have any of that? Lefties, let them have the country, it was never worth a damn anyway.
Read 2nd amendment. It is legal to shoot them doing anything violent