Hmm.. neat. Thanks for sharing.
I mean.. if it was enough to cover a stamp and I was the post office worker, I’d be a bro about it.
OSRS player spotted.
Ok look I will fully admit that I didn’t notice that, nor did I notice the fetus wired up to drop out of the anus, but I think you’re making some assumptions here about intelligence/horniness. I was distracted by the myriad questions that arose when considering the prospect of a glass belly to monitor pregnancy. What would it be shaped like? Would it just be a little TV screen like a Tellytubby? A porthole like the windows on SpongeBob’s house? Would it just be a big old solid Buddha belly but made of glass? Or maybe some space age tech that lets it flex like a foldable phone. Also, would people be born like that or would the glass belly form upon becoming pregnant? There’s just so many logistics to consider here..
You’re entitled to believe whatever you want, but when your political ideology includes supporting/encouraging/performing violence towards anyone who doesn’t agree with you, then yeah, you’re no longer invited to be a part of civil discussion.
Yeah this is an easy Shiloh angle for me. I’m down for some Radiohead every now and then, and when I’m not, that’s what noise cancelling headphones are for.
The smoke is gathering at the top of the frame like that because the building has an overhang at the entrance. Presumably the security camera that caught the footage in the article you linked is mounted on the overhang.
Same here. They put me on a short round of it because it apparently can kickstart a sluggish sinus system to start draining properly again. It did that, and it also gave me the locked in kind of focus that people claim to get from Adderall, but I didn’t have any twitching or jitters. I was just fully in the zone, the Predni-zone.
To be fair, the term “moonshine” nowadays doesn’t exclusively refer to illegally produced liquor and is often used to describe non-barrel-aged whiskey made from corn.
Oh wow you said “don’t at me about Gaza” 8 hours ago and no self-aggrandizing dipshit has stopped by yet to uhm ackshually you about how the Democratic Party was literally (read: figuratively) shooting Palestinian children in the face. I’d say that crowd might actually have collectively pulled their heads out of each others’ asses, but I think it’s far more likely that Rostelekom is having an outage today or something.
OSRS or the shitty one?
I just got done reading about the benchy controversy and now I see that someone turned out an alternative model less than 24h ago with a master class troll of a name. What an absolute legend.