Well, look - my softie bleeding heart librul values make me absolutely hate it when economic uncertainty leads to people losing their homes and their livelihoods. But this is the government that we, the people voted for. And if the government that we, the people voted for is creating economic uncertainty that is causing people to lose their homes and their livelihoods, then my bleeding librul heart bleeds for the people who are displaced. But I am also well versed in irony, and brother, this is an irony smorgasbord.
If you're one of the people who voted for the guy who's creating the economic uncertainty that's currently fucking your shit up... brother, I'm not sure what I can do for you.
Resistance is always the last option. The best option, and the first you should turn to, is voting in a way that is consistent with your values and your economic priorities. If you voted for this, and you're upset at what your voting got you... I'm not sure that you're going to like what I've got to tell you.
You know what happens when you make an assumption? You make an ass out of u and mption.
Fuck this guy. Fuck his friends, fuck all of his family members who haven't disowned him yet, fuck anybody who looks like him. Fuck everything about him.
This piece of shit voted for this, and now is upset simply because his livelihood is affected. No lessons were learnt. No lessons will ever be learned. He is but a symptom of the cancerous rot at the core of our so-called Democracy.
Edit: Fuck any fucking cowards who downvote this without providing a response as to why they disagree.