
joined 1 year ago
[–] elbucho 10 points 3 days ago (6 children)

You make an excellent point. Maybe Thomas Midgley, Jr. was actually an alien bent on the destruction of Earth's galactic expansion potential. He was, after all, the person responsible for both leaded gas, and chlorofluorocarbons.

[–] elbucho 37 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Now, I'm not the conspiracy-minded type. I'm not going to say that aliens from some other part of the galaxy detected us as an emerging threat, and so sent a probe to our planet to spray stupid juice into the atmosphere. But if aliens from some other part of the galaxy DID detect us as an emerging threat, and sent a probe to our planet to spray stupid juice into the atmosphere, wouldn't that explain, like, pretty much everything?

[–] elbucho 56 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I mean, to be fair, you were kind of talking shit about their boss. It's a hard living, being a Tankie. You've got to wake up every day, look yourself in the mirror, and decide to continue whoring yourself out to authoritarian regimes by posting a picture of a pig pooping on its own balls on the internet and telling left wingers that they're fascist because they aren't supporting Russia's imperialist war.

[–] elbucho 5 points 1 week ago


[–] elbucho 6 points 1 week ago

They came to get their slap ass.

[–] elbucho 24 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Even setting aside the whole conjoined twin thing, Fatty Two Heads is sporting some interesting fashion choices. I love his weird little pseudo pope hat... thing... and also really like how he got a set of custom shades for his deformed face to cover two eyes at different heights.

[–] elbucho 6 points 1 week ago

He's going for gasps!

[–] elbucho 7 points 1 week ago

No, Afghanistan is incredibly mountainous:

[–] elbucho 12 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

I mean, he's absolutely right about the terrain. There are major logistical differences between Ukraine and Afghanistan. The Ukrainians are holding land that is so much harder to defend because a significant amount of it is flat farmland. The reason they've been able to hold on as long as they have is mostly because of western arms and training, which is why it's so absolutely vital that western countries throw every dollar / euro they can spare Ukraine's way to keep them stocked to the hilt with mines, drones, tanks, rockets, and artillery rounds. Building up their air force will also help a tremendous amount.

The truth that Tankies absolutely hate is that Ukraine's been a severe underdog this entire fight, and they're still in it, still putting hundreds of Russians in the dirt every single day even 2 years after the start of this "3 day war". They are tired, they are bloody, but they aren't beaten. This is not a war that will be won quickly, but it can be won, and it is in every NATO country's best interest to do everything in their power to help Ukraine win.

They may not be Afghanistan, but Ukraine can still absolutely be the graveyard of empire. We just all have to chip in.

[–] elbucho 41 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Problem: the more people know about me, the more they despise me.

Solution: get angry at the media for telling people stuff about me.

Yeah. That checks out.

[–] elbucho 6 points 1 week ago

Oh, it 100% is. If being a total fuck knuckle didn't consistently get them like ~50% of the national vote, Republicans would pivot. But they've realized that the worse they are, the more votes they can squeeze out of the hateful pieces of shit who infect us like a cancer.

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