
joined 1 year ago
[–] elbucho 28 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Yup. I'm old enough to remember when the selling point of cable TV was that it was ad-free. Then, of course, they started adding ads. And then they sold us premium channels that didn't have ads. Now those have ads, too. You just can't get away from them.

[–] elbucho 73 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I find it fascinating how media companies evolved their usage of ads over time. Used to be that the purpose of showing someone an ad was to get them to buy your product. Now, though, the companies who make the ads are paying to have them put on media networks who use the ads to annoy you into paying for a premium membership so you don't have to see them. It's double dipping.

Not sure how I would feel if I made an ad, and YouTube was saying to their users: "Yeah, you like that fucking ad? Super annoying, isn't it? If you don't pay me more money, I'm going to cram that annoying bullshit down your throat every time you want to watch a video. I'm going to put ads at the beginning of videos. I'm going to sprinkle them throughout the middle. Hell, I'm even going to make you watch ads after the video ends! You like that, you little bitch??"

[–] elbucho -1 points 1 day ago

which is why I said “this is how it has been done for decades”

Ok? At what point in the last several decades has a candidate won the primary, then bowed out right before being confirmed by delegates? What time in history can you point to to show that the DNC is doing something nefarious here by voting for the person the winning candidate endorsed before backing out?

This is an unprecedented event. The fact that you think it should have gone some other way is completely irrelevant.

[–] elbucho -2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Is this going to be another one of those Yanny / Laurel things?

Here's the clip, with the section highlighted. It seems very clear to me, at least, that he's saying "college":


[–] elbucho 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

This guy's body armor looks much better than the body armor in a lot of other videos I've seen. Looks like this guy's much more important than just some random conscript. Good.

[–] elbucho 25 points 1 day ago (44 children)

Got a clip?

[–] elbucho 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Nothing about primaries is part of the constitution. You realize that, right? This entire time, the primary process was just bylaws of two different organizations. And this time, they weren't able to complete the normal process because the candidate that everybody backed decided to bow out at the last minute. So what is it, exactly, that you're mad about? Are you mad because you were operating under the illusion that this was somehow a democratic process enshrined in the constitution? Are you mad because the 81-year-old whose ego convinced him that he could totally win again was finally talked out of it? Are you mad that in a crisis, everybody looked to the most obvious person to take over? Are you mad that the Democrats now finally have a good chance to win the election? What the hell are you even bitching about?

[–] elbucho 8 points 1 day ago

Tastes like a campfire.

[–] elbucho 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Like, I don't give a fuck anymore. I don't know what you're trying to prove. Your assertions that the DNC is doing something wrong are completely unfounded in reality, and your whining about Biden stepping down means that you either really wanted the Democrats to lose, or you have zero idea about what his actual chances are. So you're either a shill, or a complete fucking moron. Either way, I have zero interest in continuing talking to you.

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