Oh boy, do they ever! I don't think I could be a vet. Too many really sad situations.
Yeah, I admit, I'm biased against dentists. My friend's sister is a dentist. She's great. Still, they use those tools on people every day.
Maybe they do need hugs. Maybe that's how the ultrasonic scaler will be redesigned into something more humane.
Teachers - need hugs
Dentists - do not need hugs
Dads - need hugs
Corporations - do not need hugs
CEOs of Fortune 500 companies - need hugs, but only if they're exploring how to undermine extractive, exploitative, fascist-leaning capitalism. Otherwise, no hugs
Cartoonists - need hugs
Union leads - need hugs
Weapons manufacturers - need the cold embrace of obsolescence.
Blue handprint.
Analyst + therapist = analrapist
Buying pants. My thick thighs make most pants not fit well. It's annoying and was more embarrassing back in HS. My GF at the time really liked to shop and shop with me. I had to shoot down her plans a lot.
I hated wearing corduroy as a child. The zip-zip sound while running or walking was an embarrassment.
I'm glad that people's bodies are more accepted now. I'm glad to see more kids who are accepting and promoting body positivity.
That just wasn't my experience.
There's a bunch of these thought experiments that try to posit scenarios where C is violated.
Here's one I remember from uni involving scissors. Similar to what OP was thinking, but really really big scissors.
Nah. Instead, in Poilievre's case — and some others —it's a dim view of reality.
Reality is an inconvenience to these fucks.
I don't want people who lie, grift, and con to be in power anywhere. Especially mean-spirited, divisive, angry little boys like PP and 45/47.
It's been said: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” ~ Frank Wilhoit (Ohio)
Accountability is for the poors. The powerful, the change-agents of history, move beyond accountability. Or, so they practice. Every so often, one falls from grace; another rides rough-shod over sensibility; a third is investigated, tried, convicted, forgotten, then released to wither and die in obscurity. Often, people forget.
I lived in Seoul for 3 years. 청계천 is one of the happiest places of my memory.
Magneto's power set could be very useful and easy to manage. Magnets can certainly be made stronger and weaker. He/I would need to build up to any dangerous level of magnetic power, so meditation before sleep would be clutch. Bullet-proof, flight, what amounts to telekinesis, and the ability to manifest any metallic object is fairly incredible, yet unobtrusive.
Also, Forge's power set would be pretty nice to have. Can engineer, build, fix, and invent literally anything. Solve any technological problem at will. The photocopier would never be broken. Wait, does anyone still use a photocopier? The only thing that'd be annoying is becoming everyone's IT department.
Jamie Madrox is also a great contender. Instant dupes of myself at will (and, yes, magically, they come with clothes).
These are my answers.
Panic that I've overslept; that I'll be late and this will be the first and last straw; that I've lost my job; lost my house; that I've relegated my family to an existence at the fringes of society subsisting on canned beans, dandelions, and wild greens; that losing every shred of self-respect and all prospects of any improvement in my life.
Yep, panic is a pretty solid motivator.
I think the key to the arrest was the influence of the complainant. Police could not be seen to be "not addressing" claims of "anti-Semitism" or a "hate crime". Consequently, mere bureaucracy has taken over. He'll be released on low bail and asked to steer clear while the investigation is happening. He'll have others publish for him. Enough public pressure will have the charges dropped.
Say it with me now:
Criticism of the State of Israel is not anti-Semitism.
No matter what the Zionists say, wherever they say it.