Never seen Numenta talked about in the wild! Worked with them on a pattern recognition project in college and it was freaky similar to how toddlers learned about the world around them.
Love this idea! I’ve mostly read my books through digital means so looking around my house it doesn’t appear I’m much of a reader.
Estimating how many bookshelves I’d need to store my collection is a fun metric.
All non-dairy milks have their place, so it depends where you’re using it as a replacement to cows milk.
I enjoy Oatly oat milk for cereal, coffee, and if a recipe calls for milk I typically use it.
Coconut milk is delicious in smoothies.
Nut milks are good in baking.
Houston, you have a problem.
What were you trying to use Nitinol for?
Omg that’s a dramatic change! He looks like a ghoul in the article compared to this pic
'Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.’
The News Industry is profit driven just like all the rest. I wouldn’t point blame journalists for being dumber when it’s just as likely that it’s management pushing for more content with quicker turn around times.
Long term investigative journalism is expensive and the output is still only one article. From a profit prospective, why not spend the same investment in puff pieces to produce a dozen articles written to drive engagement.
Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I myself am intrigued!
I love this Seinfeld meme format
Search around your area for one! I’ve been to a Korean spa and sauna in NJ and it completely rejuvenates me every time. It’s a bit of a hike from where I live but the infrequent trip is worth it
I’m not sure it’s a flex, just a funny little ornament. Thanks for posting because this will be perfect for my friend who loves pickles lol
I like this format the best of the three charts you posted here. Something about stacking them in order from smallest to biggest makes more sense