The article now has 15 ways. Some are valid complaints, some are nonsense, almost none are actually about it aging poorly.
Their list
- No female main characters interact throughout the trilogy
- It is implied that every orc and goblin is evil
- Frodo's reunion with the Fellowship is ultimately underwhelming
- The movies lack diversity
- The story takes a while to get started
- Some main characters lack agency
- The heroes seem invincible
- Some characters show up momentarily
- Certain visual effects look clunky
- Elijah Wood's acting in some scenes is awkward
- It will inevitably be rebooted
- The Hobbit trilogy condenses the timeline of the LOTR trilogy
- Important scenes are missing in the theatrical cuts
- Major characters like Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel are cut from the films
- Return of the King fades out four separate times
That's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.