Awesome looking board. Thanks for the files!
Classic album.
Critical Race Theory. Pretty much the excuse the GOP is using to not teach the history of slavery in the US.
Thanks for putting it together, even if it was a smaller sample size (and probably particular audience)!
There is a story and there are missions, but I honestly never got through all of it, not to mention the stuff they have added over time. I would always get distracted by doing random stuff.
No Man’s Sky on PSVR2 after the most recent update. It might just be the best version of it now.
Hadn’t heard this one before. Thanks for the share!
Definitely Optimum Tech. Love all of the small form factor builds and his coverage of mice and keyboards is also great.
Did not know this was out! I haven’t really been too much in his later stuff after Situation, but it’s always nice to see his name come up.
It’s just wrong.
On the RP3+ at least it does offer some good options for android games and ports of games that people have done. It is definitely a good PSP machine, but I definitely could not just set one up and send it out without telling people how to use it and why it launches different apps.
Sure. I built a sofle a while back so I am looking for a new project to try some chocs on.