It's you that loses as well as them that's the point I'm trying to make. Giving a right wing state more voting power diminishes the voting power of Oregon.
You're willing to harm part of your own body in order to spite the other part is what my poorly worded phrase is meant to convey. You're willing to harm yourself in order to spite the eastern part of the state.
**Stop being so divisive, ultra nationalism isn't what we need here. **
The fact that you keep referring to a large portion of your state as "They", by overgeneralizing and dismissing is a classic symptom of nationalism. I already stated that it's barely 50% want this, that means that slightly less than half of your fellow oregonians are still sane and you're willing to condemn them...
Ironically this is the same kind of thought process that separatists have when it comes to their own form of nationalism.
They are welcome to try, fail, and ask to come back. But, like a shitty romantic partner, they better be on their knees when they ask, and be ready for a few changes in the relationship.
All those flyers and advertisements going around point to comments like yours as a reason why they should go to Idaho because obviously the other side of the state doesn't care about them and won't listen to them. They quote news articles and online sentiment, which is real, tangible, evidence for these people.
You are literally part of their advertising, and are providing them with content to use. This sort of narrow-minded thinking is part of the problem and you can't even see that...
Yes that is exactly what I said...
It is society's responsibility to inform protect and educate those that are less capable in order to maintain the functioning of that society. Otherwise that society breaks down and falls apart. "A rising tide raises all ships"
My point here is that we as oregonians should be doing better. Instead of adopting nationalism and referring to each other as "The Other", we should be looking at the root cause and not attacking each other's throats while the true enemy just watches and laughs at us peons doing what peons do best: Ignorantly blaming each other.