That's an idea. Next time....
Wow, that's a Dostoyevskyian level story right there.
The first Don Quixote book was so popular it spawned a lot of fake sequels. Cervantes killed off Don Quixote in the second book to preclude any more copycats. That's what I remember anyhow from the preface of a paperback edition from way back.
Missed me by that much!
Ah, like the Cone of Silence from "Get Smart!"
One of the noblest and saddest characters in one of the most cruel stories ever written.
As I recall it was longaniza, cucumber, and carrots.
Yeah, I should have taken a cross-sectional cut to show what was inside. Next time....
I don't know if this will fully meet your requirements, but my combination, which I'm happy with, is Moon Reader Pro on my Android devices and Ubooquity on my server.
Moon Reader has a Sync to WebDAV option but I haven't needed to use it. If you're not inclined to pay for an ebook reader software, there is also Librera which is free.
Seasoned vinaigrette.
Will stock up for next time. Thanks for the idea!