
joined 2 years ago
[–] dingus 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

So many married couples I know tend to talk as if they absolutely hate their spouse. I never understood it. If you hate them that much, then why are you married???? Very rarely do people seem to have a mutually appreciative relationship with one another. As someone who never really bothered with dating, the whole concept of people staying with someone they hate so much has forever confused me.

As a general thing not related to relationships...I've noticed that most people I interact with at work have strong tendencies to be randomly unkind for no reason. The people who I have always gravitated towards either don't seem to display random acts of unkindness or very rarely do so. I wonder if the problem is simply that most people in general are assholes??? Maybe if both of them are assholes then each one is the best they could have come up with or something??? Idk just rambling off some ideas here.

[–] dingus 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah I appreciate that bit a lot. This is a casual internet forum, not a PhD dissertation. I don't see why anyone should bother with trying to be so perfect all the time. Humans aren't perfect! It's ok to be casual and relax when necessary. :)

Most of my posts have a little "edit" mark icon next to them because I post things and then immediately notice something wrong or add more detail. And I know after I edit it there will still be weird typos! Oh well! Doesn't hurt anyone!

[–] dingus 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Imo mirror selfies do on average tend to look a lot better. I think a lot of it must be that the photo is taken from further away. This causes two things...

  1. The picture isn't a detailed because the shot is simply further away. Wrinkles, acne, and other imperfections are not as clear or pronounced.

  2. Features like your nose, chin, eyes, etc. appear smaller in far shots than close shots. In close shots, there is a bit of a "fisheye" effect due to the perspective, even if you aren't using a fisheye lens. It exaggerates a lot of facial features and isn't how you normally see yourself when you're looking into the mirror because you just aren't that close.

No, it's just just "because the image is flipped" which is what is repeated ad nauseum online. The biggest thing is the second point I mentioned.

There was a gif out there somewhere that very simply and easily demonstrates this phenomenon of how wildly different your facial features can look from this.

[–] dingus 2 points 1 month ago

Lol well I generally can't stand when my nails are too long so that helps! Yeah with all of the benefits of contacts, the downsides ended up ultimately being too significant for me which is why I went permanently back to glasses after years.

[–] dingus 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Cry about the continued march of time and my mortality.

Then afterwards!!

  1. Work on a project I've been meaning to put more effort into. I've had ideas for some time now of trying to "invent" a device to help me with a sometimes extraordinarily difficult task at work. Solutions for the task already exist, but are incredibly expensive (tens of thousands of dollars or more) and my workplace doesn't seem to be inclined to go that route.

  2. Work up the courage to ask my work bestie to hang out outside of work sometimes soon! It necessitates hanging out with children which I'm not necessarily always a fan of, but I can go through it if it's important to my friend. Sometimes work gets a bit busy or stressful and it would be cool to make memories outside of work. We've hung out only a few times ever. Idk!

Yeah, the political shit sucks. But since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm just a bit "meh" on the whole thing tbh. It's not anything I have the power to fix. So I'm just going to do my best to ignore it! Not really on my radar at the current moment, but it definitely was during the elections themselves. Idk we'll see. Always best to just try to think about other things!

[–] dingus 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It took me an... embarrassingly long amount of time to be able to put in and take out contacts. It took multiple long, separate sessions and mental breakdowns to be able to do it. I was similar to you. Couldn't even handle drops in my eyes. But once you finally get it down through all of the freaking out, it's easy as pie. If a ridiculous person like me can do it, you can too!

Contacts are such a different experience too. You actually have peripheral vision! Never in my life have I had that. Your prescription is exactly the same the entire way around your field of vision. With glasses, you don't have any correction for peripheral vision. And if you have a stronger prescription, you can only really see perfectly outside of the dead center of the lens. Anywhere slightly off center and the correction isn't as good.

Not to mention with my prescription, I still always see lights as kind of a puff ball at night when I'm wearing glasses. It's not a matter of having the wrong prescription. There is just light distortion from the lenses themselves. With contacts, you don't get this distortion effect and lights don't have the puff ball.

I wore contacts through my teen years and early 20s. But tbh I eventually stopped and went back to glasses full time. Comfort and flexibility just won out for me...even with all the amazing things that contacts have going for them.

[–] dingus 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

People say this all the time, but I've never really understood it. You can't help who you are attracted to. Do a lot of people just have relationships with people they don't find attractive?

I don't find like 99.9999% of people attractive. So I never really bothered attempting to date. I don't blame people for it like an incel would...it's just a slightly unfortunate thing that means I'm incompatible with other human beings. The few times I tried, it felt awkward and bad that I couldn't reciprocate what the other person felt. It felt like lying and I'm not really sure what I was supposed to be getting out of something like that.

Legitimately curious.

[–] dingus 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

? It's not once in a while. It's every time you use it. And I don't know about yours, but the most common ones have a metal shelf/grille with a large metal and plastic basin with tons of holes in it. Both the shelf/grille and the large basin have holes and nooks and crannies everywhere for the crumbs to find themselves stuck to/hiding in and then the water won't drain out of the basin great because of this either. It's not "a bit of plastic". It's nothing like cleaning a simple plate, pan, dish, mug, etc.

[–] dingus 5 points 1 month ago

Glad they were able to censor such fowl, offensive words like "when" and "someone".

[–] dingus 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As a long time glasses wearer, no it does not mean there is necessarily something wrong with your eyes. Glasses can cause visual aberrations. Lights at night always look a bit like puffballs to me no matter my prescription. Not sure if it's just because my prescription is a bit stronger than most or what. Something about contact lenses makes this go away entirely, but I prefer wearing my glasses for comfort.

[–] dingus 4 points 1 month ago (9 children)

I have an air fryer, but I dislike using it because it's annoying af to clean and I'm lazy.

If I microwave something, there is either no mess or I can chuck the plate or whatever in the dishwasher. If I use pots and pans on the stove, I can chuck them in the dishwasher (blah blah blah Teflon I get it but whatever, it's just me).

For an air fryer? I can't exactly chuck it in the dishwasher and it seems to need to be cleaned after every single use or else it's disgusting. I have been using those circular pieces of parchment paper which do help loads but still.

[–] dingus 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)
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