
joined 1 year ago
[–] deweydecibel 27 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

The placement of that text is deeply frustrating. Just a black text box placed without any care? No craftsmanship at all?

And a watermark? Still, in 2024? Uggh.

[–] deweydecibel 17 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This article is giving them too much credit, frankly. Saying Republican support dropped from "majority to minority" is misleading, bordering on clickbait.

All that happened was support dropped from 55% to 46%. They were only ever barely a majority.

Saying "Nearly half" or "over half" of all Republicans don't support gay marriage is splitting hairs. They all support the candidates that are against it.

The real story here is that even support among Democrats and Independents dropped a bit in the last 2 years. Meaning the fear mongering is pervasive enough to affect everyone.

[–] deweydecibel 39 points 2 days ago (9 children)

You could also just put a fucking padlock on it like a sane human being.

At this point, you're not concerned with keeping your precious cooler, you're just looking to hurt people.

[–] deweydecibel 24 points 2 days ago (6 children)

It's nice to see Lemmy will be continuing Reddit's tradition of believing booby traps are ok because anyone trying to touching your precious things deserves the be physically hurt, regardless of the countless ways it can hurt other people who were doing nothing wrong.

This example isn't even defendable from a home defense angle because you left the thing out on the damn boat, not locked away. At that point it's not just a booby trap, it's a baited trap.

And for fucks sake it's a damn cooler, who cares this much about it but leave it where anyone can get it?

[–] deweydecibel 11 points 2 days ago

Not just include it, they describe the Fediverse, right up front, as an escape from corporate controlled spaces, and without a hint of fucking irony, drops Threads as the second "big name".

[–] deweydecibel 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You can see their strategy at work here.

It is possible to keep individual files on the local hard drive with different settings (that in my experience never seem to stick past updates).

The default, though, is to take everything on your computer off of your computer, put it into the cloud (their computer), and recommend you pick and choose which ones stay on your computer. In essence, they want you to think of your computer as secondary to their computer. An extension of it.

There is no "your computer", it's just the computer you happen to be logged into at the moment.

The cloud is not something you take advantage of, the cloud is where you live now.

[–] deweydecibel 25 points 3 days ago

Or the fact that once it's off of your hard drive and sitting comfortably on their cloud (their hard drive), they can scan it and harvest it for data.

[–] deweydecibel 84 points 4 days ago (9 children)

Ok but...he's gotta wear the aviators.

[–] deweydecibel 40 points 4 days ago

At least that can be turned off in updates.

All these hardware additions, the AI buttons, even Windows taking away the right CTRL key for Copilot, are ugly appendages that, in 20 years, when were clearing out the equipment closest, we'll see some of these and go "oh yeah remember when that bullshit was as a thing for a few years?"

[–] deweydecibel 31 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Don't forget the part where Logitech now requires you to use a web app (that only works on Chromium) to adjust settings or pair dongles now.

Just find a new peripheral manufacturer.

[–] deweydecibel 24 points 6 days ago (28 children)

which is disheartening given the potential for even greater impact

What potential? Without Congress or the Supreme Court, what potential things could Biden be doing that would have "greater" impact that he isn't doing?

Something that doesn't require a new law, and won't be shot down by a hostile conservative court?

Please give me examples.

[–] deweydecibel 29 points 6 days ago (10 children)

He can't do that.

People keep saying the things Biden have been doing are weak, half measures, but they have no idea what he's actually capable of doing without Congress.

He literally tried to wipe away a significant amount of student debt. He tried to fulfill that promise without Congress. The Supreme Court stopped it.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by deweydecibel to c/lemmyapps

Looking for any Lemmy app that provides a setting to hide or collapse inline images in comments, like RES let you do on Reddit, or like RIF, to re-create the text-only comment experience. I've been using Boost, which I really like it and want to keep supporting, but this setting is still a WIP I think, and it's a must for me. I wanna try others until it's added.

Thanks all

Update: if you're looking for the same thing, I eventually landed on Summit.


Assuming it's a bug, was told to drop it here.


Just thought I'd point this out to anyone looking for an RIF alternative that's actually in the same vein as RIF (compact, simple, clean).

Boost was a Reddit app until today. They just added a preview to the Play Store for their Lemmy app with no fanfare.

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