I thought it blew up because after tipping over the tanks ruptured - a normal result of a rocket tip-over. Am I mistaken?
I think you've got too many zeros on your price estimate, no? The tower is huge, but there's no way it costs five hundred million dollars.
Offering visitors a nes or SNES classic - which are recent, official, Nintendo products would be less embarrassing than using a windows PC.
Sorting by top?
Right?! This right here.
I was once yelled at by a friend of a girl for "ignoring her advances." I kid you not, the "advances" consisted of her walking up to me at a party, saying "hey, aren't you in my math class?" (To which I answered in the affirmative) and "well, um, I guess I'll see you there Monday!"
How the fuck was I supposed to know that was an attempt at flirting?
The older gay guy at work? "You're gorgeous. Ever consider dating a man?"
Depends on the region. Lots of places have 2nd degree murder for murders that perpetrated by someone who had intent but did not plan it, then use manslaughter for the death of someone which was not intentional but should have known that there was a probability of death occuring.
You mean assault with a deadly weapon?
Cursive was dropped because everyone uses computers and phones now, almost nobody bothers to write with a pen at all beyond signing their name on government or corporate documents
Oh I absolutely hate that past experience forces me to agree with you wholeheartedly on this.
I do exactly this, and use Keepass2Android on my phone and have nextcloud-KeeWeb installed.
Tangentally related - For anyone looking to take over a project, KeeWeb is looking for a new maintainer!
And apparently if you register in his site with CAH as the referer, they'll be obligated to pay CAH.
Are you including the R&D costs? Best estimates I've seen for a mechzilla put labour and materials between 65-95 million USD