
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I think it's a big opportunity that the Fediverse has largely slept on. A lot of people shrug it off, but Facebook, Instagram, Medium, and a number of other places offer an export archive of your data.

Some of it isn't all that usable, but there's something extremely appealing about being able to take old parts of your social graph with you, and merge it into a new identity. A fixation I've had for the past few years is consolidating all of my data into one place, under one identity, and I'm exploring the possibility of writing data converters.

Interestingly, Pixelfed allows you to import your Instagram archive, and it's fantastic.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

So, to be clear: it's not a concept like Nomadic Identity. Rather, it's a demonstration of importing data archives from other social networks and platforms, and integrating that data into an existing Fediverse account.

In other words: it's not a singular managed identity for all your apps, it's a mechanism for marrying data from different systems to a Fediverse Actor. Paired with something like Nomadic Identity, it would be a game changer.


Today, we sat down and reviewed NeoDB, a Fediverse review system that lets you track books, movies, music, tv shows, games, podcasts, and more. There's some really incredible ideas beneath the surface.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

I used to work with enterprise customers at a SaaS company, and still have a lot of anger in how corporate types use this fluffy language. I think my "favorite" example of this jargon is "Please Advise.", which basically just means "What the fuck?!"

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I was working at a tool checkout in my shop for a while, and the sheer amount of ignorance and repetition blew me away.

People would come in, see signs stating things like "Don't throw your hazardous waste in this trash can!", and people would straight up ignore it. Things got so bad that we had to stop offering a trash can in our part of the shop.

A lot of people would also just repeat the same statements, day after day, week after week. For example, we have iPads that contain maintenance manuals. We have to update those manuals every week, on the same day. Without fail, the same people always forget which day Update Day is, and have to ask.

The worst ones happen when people come to turn in their gear before end of shift. Most people are fine, but every toolbox has to be thoroughly inspected before being scanned back in. Often, somebody misplaced a tool, left garbage in the box somewhere, or there's some other undocumented discrepancy.

Most people are cool about it, and willing to make things right. But, some people act like you've purposely screwed them over, or react with total apathy and disrespect. I don't make the rules, man, I'm just trying to do my job.


Sometimes, developing a new app, platform, or concept for the #Fediverse can seem like a minefield. Here's some rules of thumb on how to maintain goodwill with the community, and ideas of how to do it.


In an effort to better help prospective Fediverse developers understand Solid, the ActivityPods team has released an example app as a reference point for understanding how everything works under the hood.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Great job! We just gave you a shout-out on We Distribute:

It's seriously awesome that you got this to work with more than just Lemmy. The app is looking great, and it seems like you're off to a strong start!


And now, for some lighthearted fun: Canvas, the r/Place alternative for Lemmy, is back for its 72-hour collaborative art event, and this time, the whole Fediverse is invited!


Self-hosting your own federated video platform can be really cool. But, what do you do when it acts up? We wrote a guide on how to give your PeerTube server the love it needs.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The shocking part was less about Maven's methods or lack of ethics, and more along the lines of "How the fuck did they do that?!"


Maven, a new social network backed by OpenAI's Sam Altman, found itself in a controversy today when it imported a huge amount of posts and profiles from the Fediverse, and then ran AI analysis to alter the content.


IFTAS, the Trust and Safety organization for the #Fediverse, launched a new community portal full of guides, resources, discussion groups, and tools for community moderators and instance admins. We take a look at what it does.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh wow, how did I miss this?!


FediVision is an annual music competition in the spirit of Eurovision. This year probably had the biggest turnout ever: 72 entries from a variety of artists and musicians, and you can listen to all of them!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Congratulations! I've been around for roughly the same amount of time, and it's wild to see how much things have changed.

I still miss old, though.


We dug into Mastodon's new US-based non-profit entity, and checked out who their board members are, and what they've accomplished in the past.


Bridgy Fed's Bluesky integration is now in beta, and makes it possible to connect your account from the Fediverse to Bluesky, and vice versa.

There's still some quirks, and every bridged account has to opt in to it, but it's a promising moment for people that want to communicate across networks.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Most of the backlash pertains to the board members appointed to the new nonprofit. One of the members is a lawyer that has defended crypto and AI companies, another is ex-Twitter angel investor Biz Stone.

Mastodon's community usually has some kind of vague beef about one thing or another when it comes to Eugen and the decisions he makes for the project, whether it's a new feature or a design change or that he didn't do something that other projects wanted to do.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Nextcloud is a fork of Owncloud. IMO, as a product Nextcloud is superior in every way.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It actually does have that nowadays, it's just that the feature requires Elasticsearch to work, which is one extra piece of infra for admins to worry about.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Yeah, if you read the article, Hometown and Glitch actually get mentioned. The criticism is not about making a fork to do your own thing... but, instead, about trying to compete with Mastodon directly.

Doing that kind of fork (which is what people are calling for) requires a tremendous amount of coordination, effort, and commitment that cannot be done casually.


A lot of people have talked about the possibility of forking Mastodon to get the many improvements their communities need. Making such an effort successful is another discussion entirely.


The Fediverse has, not one, but two different streaming platforms readily available to people. They both work a bit differently...but, both of them work great with OBS Studio. We dive in to how to set each up.

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