I completely agree - force users should be few and far between, but if you're going to put a Jedi Master or Sith Lord onscreen they should be goddamn impressive. It would be something you became creative with while mastering, but all we see them do is hop around and shove stuff.
I think you can do a bunch with jedi/sith, but you have to use the force for something more interesting than pushing things and jumping pretty high. The extended universe novels had all sorts of cool shit force users could do with it. They should lean in to that kind of stuff.
Couldn't explain it, really; I just want to grab the person and explain that Taco Bell (or whatever) is not an object you can get some of, and Taco Bell doesn't sell Taco Bells in any amount, they sell tacos! (In the voice you would speak to a toddler in, of course)
I hate it when people call the product of a company the name of the company; like "let's go get some Taco Bell" instead of "let's go get some tacos from Taco Bell" or "Let's go eat at Taco Bell".
Look, if we're going to keep Slackware in it's current spot as the best OS of all time you guys have to start including it in your memes.
Ray Romano?
This, except Slackware should be listed first as it's the eldest
Conan the Barbarian, hands down, but Willow is a close second.
To anyone looking to check this out, it's built like Curse of the Dead Gods. If you like that you'll like this I imagine. I only have a few hours in so far but I'll definitely burn some time playing this.
He could probably kick my ass