I really like Maven, but hate Gradle. That said, I really like Java too, so I'm well out of sync with op.
You don't believe that Hamas killed babies? Or targeted civilians? Or raped women?
How are they in any way the same? Russia attacked Ukraine with no provocation, Hamas committed terrorist atrocities and Israel are responding. Yes, they aren't taking nearly enough care to prevent civilian deaths, but there is some attempt to do so - Hamas deliberately targeted civilians including beheading and oven cooking babies.
This is not the same at all. Also Hamas deliberately base themselves in schools, hospitals and residential buildings using Palestinians as a human shield.
How many killed?
By turning this into a numbers game (as if one human life lost isn't too many) you are defending Hamas.
I've had similar problems. I think party of the issue is that, IMHO, the first two are amongst the weakest in the whole series and are less inspiring. I keep trying to tell my daughter to start with #3, but she hasn't done it yet.
Huzzah for being in your 40s
Moving (reluctantly) past it sounding like you wipe with a spoon - what are the two ways to wipe? I had no idea there were other ways...
I'm 46 and I do this.
My system runs an immutable/stateless Linux and I also use virtualisation.
I'm running cleanroom: https://github.com/cleanroom-team/cleanroom
Unless you're actually disabled...
This does look like a lot of fun. Would a hovercraft like this be able to go over water? I'm not sure if that would require more power or not...
My sons have a hamster that they named "Bombur". I tend to call it "Bomburcino".
I don't think I'm doing that. I do believe the cousins about the babies. Whatever one thinks about Israel and the whole situation there - from full throated supporter right through to anti semitic holocaust denier - I and convinced Hamas are utterly evil and in no way a friend is the Palestinian people. If Israel are committing genocide (and I don't believe they are, though I'd like to see them put much more effort into not hitting civilians) then those poor people are being destroyed by two groups either side of them with no where to go to escape.