
joined 1 year ago
[–] daddybutter 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Swap the 5700X for a 5600X and bump the 6500XT up to a 6600 (non-xt is fine). They won't notice any difference with the CPU swap and that frees up the money to switch to a better GPU with 8gb vram which will keep them happy for much longer. I ran a 6600 for a while at 1440p and was impressed by it especially for how little I spent. Other than that, should do fine. Silicon Power has had reliability issues in the past, not sure if they got better. I ran an SP drive for a few years and didn't have issues fwiw, but you may want to see if there's anything in recent reviews about their ssds.

[–] daddybutter 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That seems like a pretty extreme measure for protection and I have so many questions... How often are you using wet hands with your mouse? Are the vents directly below the edge of the desk/table so that any liquid would drop off directly into the vents? Could you simply push the desktop back a little and not have the vents directly below the edge where liquids might fall? Do you have a cloth mousepad that would likely pick up any small amount of liquid that might come off your hand?

[–] daddybutter 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

There should be a gap on one side of the socket where you can lift from, as seen on the left side of this pic. Disregard the red circle, this is from a messed up pin post lol left side of this pic

[–] daddybutter 6 points 3 weeks ago

Nice, where'd you find the pic? I briefly looked to confirm my hunch but didn't find it.

[–] daddybutter 21 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Probably the GPU support. Top piece screws into the body for height adjustment.

[–] daddybutter 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

In that case, I'd be inclined to agree with Rimu about it being PSU related. I'd recommend carefully inspecting your 24 pin power cable and motherboard plug to see if any of the pins are damaged. Also, if you can, try and give each individual wire a little tug. Sometimes the pin isn't locked in properly and when you plug the cable in, the individual pin will get pushed out.

[–] daddybutter 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

How are your fans connected? Directly to motherboard? Fan controller? Daisy chained off one plug?

[–] daddybutter 4 points 2 months ago

7900 XTX is a step up from the 4070 Ti Super in raster performance. If you don't care about ray tracing and you don't need Nvidia specific stuff like nvenc or cuda, the 7900 would be the better buy if they're the same price.

[–] daddybutter 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

People on the BuildAPC Sales Canada subreddit saying Canada Computers has the Gigabyte 4080 Super Windforce V2 for $1199 in store as a secret price (showing 1399 online). They also have an MSI 4070 Ti Super for $1019 online or $999 in store.

[–] daddybutter 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Nah, PCIE 3.0 still has plenty of bandwidth for a 3070 to not be bottlenecked at all.

[–] daddybutter 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Newer CPU with faster ram would be a nice boost in performance. That's where I would start followed by a big NVME drive upgrade. 3070s still do great at and under 1440p and with AMD and Nvidia both launching new cards within the next couple months, it would make sense to put off a GPU upgrade for a bit if money is a concern. Also if you're not using Nvidia specific stuff like NVENC or CUDA, AMD cards offer a lot of bang for the buck.

[–] daddybutter 10 points 2 months ago

I went through a similar experience. I started transitioning "late" in life. I've never really had trouble getting interviews anywhere I've applied prior to starting my transition. Most of the time I could get hired, sometimes not, but getting an interview at the very least was pretty much guaranteed. I reached a point where hormones were making noticeable changes and I was updating my wardrobe to be more feminine so I updated my resume to include my new name/pronouns. I left my dead name on there because I've yet to really tackle anything to change my external, very male, appearance and I've made very little progress with my voice. I figured solely using my new name would leave whoever called feeling misled when they heard a deep, male voice on the other end.

Around May 2023 I was looking to make a move as I was unhappy with my work, which was a major disappointment because I was very accepted there for who I was. I just hated the work and felt isolated as I didn't really feel like I connected with anyone. Plus my position was separated from the rest of the team due to building design so I mostly worked just out of view of everyone, but close enough that I could hear the constant chatter that I never got to be a part of. The most conversation I ever got with anyone was "good morning" and "have a nice day."

I applied to literally hundreds of jobs. I applied to stuff that I had years of experience with and great references for, but my references have said they were never contacted.. I applied to things that were mostly new and I'd write up a cover letter detailing how my previous experiences translated to this new field. I applied for positions that anyone with a GED should be able to get. Most of the time I just never had any sort of response. A few places emailed me months later to tell me that I hadn't been selected. I got one in person interview and was turned down. They seemed nice for the most part but also seemed thrown off when they actually saw me walk in. The hesitation in their voices said "this isn't what we were expecting..."

Life started to spiral pretty hard. I was stuck, alone, and unhappy at my job with no way out in a city I was barely getting by in. Every time I went to start a new application I felt defeated before I even started. Every time I submitted one and didn't hear back I felt like a failure. I questioned if transitioning was a mistake and debated on detransitioning and continuing to live the lie I had most of my life. Eventually I broke and quit my job with nothing lined up and life got real shitty after that.. In the end I decided staying the course was the best plan for me. Going back in the closet wasn't even going to be a consideration and I'd hold out until I figured it out. I'm sure I will continue to miss out on opportunities due to this but as I continue to make progress with transitioning I also believe it will get better. I'm now rebuilding my life one day at a time, piece by piece, and will continue to do so until I've reached my goals or die trying. Life is tough but we are tougher. Stay strong out there ladies ❤️

Patch 3.23 is LIVE (

Lots of people having issues getting into queue for download, but it's finally live! Let's goooooo!


Solution: I removed the else statement from the integrated_forces process and left the two lines from the condition within the process and it fixed it :) Before:

func _integrate_forces(state):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
		state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1))
		Globals.player_rotation = rotation


func _integrate_forces(state):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
		state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1))
	Globals.player_rotation = rotation

Hey guys, making some progress on this game but having a weird issue and I can't figure out what's happening. I'm instancing a ship scene into the level scene based on player selection. Weapon projectile instancing happens in the level scene. Fixed weapons shoot straight forward and this works fine as I'm moving and rotating until I hold the key to move backward, then all of the shots continue firing in the same direction I was facing when I started holding the key. Video example. This was all working fine prior to instancing the player into the scene. Here's the code I'm working with (please disregard the messy code lol).

extends Node2D
class_name LevelParent

var selected_ship = Globals.player_selected_ship
var format_ship_resource_path = "res://scenes/ships/ship_%s.tscn"
var ship_resource_path = format_ship_resource_path % selected_ship

var laser_scene: PackedScene = preload("res://scenes/weapons/laser.tscn")

func _ready():
	var ship_scene = load(ship_resource_path)
	var ship = ship_scene.instantiate()
	ship.connect("shoot_fixed_weapon", _shoot_fixed_weapon)
	ship.connect("shoot_gimbal_weapon", _shoot_gimbal_weapon)
func _shoot_gimbal_weapon(pos,direction):
	var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D
	laser.position = pos
	laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(direction.angle()) + 90
	laser.direction = direction
func _shoot_fixed_weapon(pos, direction):
	var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D
	laser.position = pos
	laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(Globals.player_rotation)
	Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction = Vector2(cos(Globals.player_rotation),sin(Globals.player_rotation))
	laser.direction = Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction.rotated(-1.5708)

extends ShipTemplate

var can_boost: bool = true

#Weapons variables
var can_shoot: bool = true
#hardpoint type should use 0=fixed, 1=gimbal, 2=turret
#later add ability to have mixed hardpoints
var hardpoint_type: int = 0

signal shoot_gimbal_weapon(pos,direction)
signal shoot_fixed_weapon(pos,direction)

func _ready():
	Globals.boost_max = boost_max

func _process(delta):
	Globals.player_pos = global_position
	#Build out section to target planetary bodies/NPCs/etc for auto routing
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("get_cords"):
	#weapon aiming toggle, remove later after hardpoints developed
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("gimbal_toggle"):
		if hardpoint_type == 0:
			hardpoint_type += 1
			hardpoint_type -= 1
	if can_boost == false:
		print("boost max: " + str(boost_max))
		print("boost regen: " + str(boost_regen))
		print("global boost level: " + str(Globals.boost_level))
		if Globals.boost_level == boost_max:
			can_boost = true
			print("can boost: Boost recharged!")
	### WEAPONS ###
	#Remove LaserTimer when weapon modules are set up
	#Fixed weapon code
	var player_direction = (Globals.player_pos - $FixedHardpointDirection.position).normalized()
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 0:
		Globals.laser_ammo -= 1
		var hardpoint_positions = $HardpointPositions.get_children()
		can_shoot = false
		for i in hardpoint_positions:
			print("ship shot fired")
			shoot_fixed_weapon.emit(i.global_position, player_direction)
	#Gimbal weapon code
	var gimbal_direction = (get_global_mouse_position() - position).normalized()
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 1:
		Globals.laser_ammo -= 1
		var hardpoint_positions = $HardpointPositions.get_children()
		can_shoot = false
		for i in hardpoint_positions:
			shoot_gimbal_weapon.emit(i.global_position, gimbal_direction)
	#Add turret (auto aim system) later

#Spaceflight physics based controls
func _integrate_forces(state):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_up"):
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_left"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 4.712))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("strafe_right"):
		state.apply_force(thrust.rotated(rotation + 1.5708))
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_down"):
		state.apply_force((thrust.rotated(rotation) * -1))
		Globals.player_rotation = rotation
	#REWORK boost mechanic. button hold (gradual) vs press (instant), increase cooldown, adjust boost length, add fuel/special requirements for use
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("boost") and can_boost:
		can_boost = false
		Globals.boost_level = 0
		state.apply_impulse((thrust.rotated(rotation) * 2))
	var rotation_direction = 0
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_right"):
		rotation_direction += 1
	if Input.is_action_pressed("turn_left"):
		rotation_direction -= 1
	state.apply_torque(rotation_direction * torque)

#modify later to remove globals. Base boost data on ship equipment
func _boost_recharge(recharge_rate):
	Globals.boost_level = clamp(Globals.boost_level + recharge_rate, 0, boost_max)

#Timer timeout functions
func _on_boost_timer_timeout():
	print("boost depleted")

func _on_boost_recharge_timeout():
	print("boost timer recharged!")
	can_boost = true

func _on_laser_timer_timeout():
	can_shoot = true
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by daddybutter to c/[email protected]

Hey y'all, throwing a little project together in Godot 4.1 to practice stuff I learned after a tutorial project. I've set up two markers as my projectile spawn points, but the shots are spawning slightly off from the markers and I can't figure out why. Code and pics below. ~~I "fixed" it by shifting the player sprite2D 5 pixels to the right. Not sure why the spawns are being offset though.~~ NVM that only fixed it at the starting position, the shots are way off when rotating. In editor you can see the markers at the two tips on the ship.

In game you can see the shots spawning just to the side of the markers.

Edit: I broke the formatting posting on mobile 🙃

This snippet is from the player script

` var player_direction = (Globals.player_pos - $FixedHardpointDirection.position).normalized()

if Input.is_action_just_pressed("fire_primary") and can_shoot and Globals.laser_ammo > 0 and hardpoint_type == 0:

	Globals.laser_ammo -= 1

	var hardpoint_positions = $ShotStartPositions.get_children()

	can_shoot = false


	for i in hardpoint_positions:

		player_shot_fixed_weapon.emit(i.global_position, player_direction)


And this is from the level script

` func _shoot_fixed_weapon(pos, direction):

var laser = laser_scene.instantiate() as Area2D

laser.position = pos

laser.rotation_degrees = rad_to_deg(Globals.player_rotation)

direction.x = cos(Globals.player_rotation)

direction.y = sin(Globals.player_rotation)

Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction = Vector2(direction.x,direction.y)


laser.direction = Globals.fixed_hardpoint_direction.rotated(-1.5708)



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