I usually watch YouTube on a laptop hooked up to my tv, so I downloaded freetube and just imported my subscriptions. It's got sponsorblock and other features built in, but you can't like or comment on videos. Overall though I've been using it for about 6 months now and wouldn't dream of going back to YouTube and trying to constantly deal with them fucking it up more daily.
For chaos The Ahriman omnibus follows Ahriman from thr thousand sons legion after the heresy and is a fun story. It's got lots of thousand sons warp fuckery and some great characters.
The night lords omnibus is one of the first 40k books I read going into 40k with not a whole lot of knowledge. It's still probably my favorite 40k book, the characters are written incredibly well, the dark moments of horrific comedy are there, it features some great fights.
Fabius bile omnibus follows fabius bile of the emperors children legion in what's essential a great mad scientist story. Once again great characters and a fun story definitely worth the read.
The lion son of the forest is a very new 40k that follows the lions return to the setting. From what I remember it doesn't require a whole lot of backstory to be neccesary, as it explains a lot along the way. It's very involved with some dark angels space marine characters so I could be a decent jumping off point of sorts.
Jerboa works if you click on it
This is the one I've heard used most. It's got everything from full sets to individual parts. https://www.bricklink.com/v2/main.page
If you aren't sure what piece you are looking for but know what set its from you can look it up on this site http://www.peeron.com/ and then search bricklink by the piece item ID. Hope this helps
Ya they were never super important but they popped up In a few of the books and comics. I think a crime lord named Prince Xizor had one that was like a luxury mansion
Looks kinda like the old skyhooks from legends
Sweet thanks!
Thanks for the summary, saved me having to find a way around the paywall!
Damn this was awesome! So nostalgic, brought back all the memories from when I first started watching ufc.
I love the look of the warships in 40k. Every faction has such a unique look to them that helps flesh out the universe
thanks for the recommendation, ive been playing around few of the option but this seems like the one that will work best for me. it was easy to set up on both my desktop and phone and seems to have all the functionality i need
Any sale recommendations for co-op games or remote play together games that are on sale?