Should have called it the Newton
Very true. Here's my attempt
Michael Vick
Wayne Gretzky
Roger Federer
Kobe Bryant
Shaquille O'Neal
David Beckham
OJ Simpson
Babe Ruth
Usain Bolt
Oscar Pistorius
Mike Tyson
Michael Phelps
Tony Hawk
Tom Brady
That car racing guy who hit his head on a rock while skiing and is in a coma
Max Verstappen
Serena Williams
Venus Williams
Brittany Griner
That gymnastics girl making a displeased face in the meme (Mikayla Maroney?)
So for me, even though I'm not interested in sports, OP was correct.
I'm curious why I don't know any female race car drivers... the argument could be made that female athletes are not as physically strong so they aren't competitive in strength based sports, but it seems like anyone can drive a car fast? Who are the biggest female race car drivers?
You're right, this does seem suspicious. It was probably all staged by that guy.
Dr Doofenshmirtz, is that you?
Doofenshmirtz is that you?
I'm not sure this tweet counts as news?
Be warned Nazi sympathizing corporations, you're going to go the way of Volkswagen and Hugo Boss
Doctor: you've had a stroke
Patient: how can you tell?
Doctor: from the handshake
I'm ootl on this one. What happened?
Yeah if the dentist makes you wait for 20 minutes, you definitely should have the right not to see him
Since Apple and Microsoft did the same, what phones are left viable for you?
Can you tap to close images on voyager?