Feel this sweater there's no better than authentic Irish setter.
At this time of year? At this time of day! In this part of the country! Localized entirely within your kitchen!?
Article also says he's 39 and was driving a taxi so in this instance, "I'm a Marine," probably indicates that he was formerly in the Marine corps. Once a Marine, always a Marine, or so they say.
Stupid sexy Flanders.
The 3 inch nails protruding through the rails are much more complaint-worthy than the too-tall pickets.
Remember when Michael Vick used the pseudonym Ron Mexico when getting tested for herpes and it became a meme?
Ladadada, it's the mothafuckin D R E!
Where I live it's $12 for $.30 worth of popcorn and $8 for $.20 worth of soda. The high school kids still get paid $7.25 though.
From the third sentence in the wiki page:
It is, however, so extremely reactive that it is not encountered in everyday life.
So yeah, not at all stable.
Quick point of clarification, the official name of the Mormon church is, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." They don't actually want to be called Mormons, and instead ask to be called LDS for short. Also, they consider themselves a protestant sect.
All that said, the Mormons are bad and nobody should join them.
Just remember, it takes less delta v to shoot things out of the solar system than it does to shoot them into the sun.
I was also curious about this. The only car they produced, as far as I could find, was a concept car featured in the 2015 Tokyo Motor Show. They called it the "Sports Ride Concept."