Ouch! But it is a six year old mid-range processor. 14nm vs 5nm
Even if without warheads, start putting holes in their hulls.
If only we knew higher efficiency improvement standards have been enacted almost consistently since 1975!
16-19 was mostly fraud and abuse, it wasn't until the pandemic that the stupids started dying because of a lack of trust that science works.
Mine doesn't have a subway/metro. A 1route regional train. We are finally making light rail, but it's very behind schedule and has cost 142 billion and still isn't very wide. The primary public transit is busses.
Means don't build, buy, or own a house in a flood zone.
Cruise ships already drop about that much in raw sewage, 352 quintillion gallons makes it literally less than a drop in the bucket.
So, what enforcement does the Supreme Court have if a state refuses to follow its ruling?
Most likely, worse water quality and the death of a lot of fish/aquatic life.
Nuclear, preferably fusion works out and energy becomes a non-issue. But nothing else we have can beat the reliability, energy density and power-to-emissions ratio of nuclear.