From a biological perspective, your dreams are part of the process of moving short term memories from the hippocampus to the neocortex. This will involve perceiving symbolic representations of your experiences, feelings, memories, predictions, etc. As far as being "meaningful," that's relative to the implications you're interested in. If you're looking for meaning, look for the common psychological underpinnings of certain symbols (e.g. teeth falling out, not wearing pants, etc.) and see what that might expose about the things your brain is processing. Just remember that specific archetypes are often offered by people based on tradition and superstition; Make sure you're looking at reliable sources, especially considering that your brain is going to process a lot more than people have worked out, and not every archetype is likely to carry information you find meaningful.
The juxtaposition between those first two posts is great
Eco-Queer Saver Spaces... I'm with the trees on this one.
Apparently the ad tracking is disabled when you launch the rocket. Also, I deleted the other apps pretty much right away 🤣
I only hang out with people who know they're stupid.
Yes, and so I must give it back.
I remember that I didn't exist before and that was fine.
A touch of humility helps too... why should I get benefits that beetles and dogs don't?
Life only exists because of death. I wouldn't want to take life away from the world by avoiding something I'm not meant to avoid.
I registered as a beta tester and immediately upon logging in and setting my favorite layout, it felt HOME. Was happy to launch the rocket!
Loving the original content
As an exvangelical, I can tell you Christian Nationalism and anti-Communism are two sides of the same coin. The GOP takes advantage of the religious devotion of the fundamentalists to push their agenda. I wouldn't say this was because the Soviet Union fell, but I think it's at least partially because it existed in the first place.
Noo u mean there are multiple frames of this?
Why shouldn't the idea of Solarpunk operate as a subset of Solarpunk, in the form of an interface between Solarpunk and the Fediverse?