
joined 11 months ago
[–] comfyquaker 1 points 2 hours ago

Thanks for jogging my memory! I completely forgot about that core fact 😓.

[–] comfyquaker 4 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

i vaguely recall the retail box version of silent hill 2 or 3 for PC being not all that amazing, and later emulating the Ps2 version was a better option, not to mention the easiest option since both games for PC are not common finds. then again the PC I played Silent hill 2 on wasn’t all that beefy at the time.

maybe any games that originally were for console ported to PC with Denuvo hit this criteria. interesting question!

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

didn’t know about the power set. super cool bundle and the box for it is awesome. did it come with the track and field game?

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I feel like many have a similar story. for me it was my n64 for PS2 games.


when did you get it and why? how often do you use it?

If you don’t own a retro system or console, what is the oldest system you emulate or which system would you like to own in the future?

For me, my oldest system is an Atari 800xl (i’m counting early home computers). I purchased it on a whim when Netflix’s Bandersnatch interactive movie was briefly popular. I was studying (and still am) computer science and was curious on what you could all do on a home computer from the early 80s. Turns out, quite a lot and I’ve had a lot of fun sifting through the 50+ floppies i have finding everything from home finance software, a plethora home brew games, and even floppy magazines (a bunch of articles on a floppy. not sure the proper name)

when i first got it i was on it more than my modern computer, but after moving it has been gathering some dust in its box. i’m hoping to eventually find a home for it in my home so i can use it more.

a fun thing of note is that it still has the saran wrap on its chrome parts, and it has a Sears Service sticker on the bottom of it when one of the previous owners had it serviced.

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 5 days ago

Thanks for the foundational recipe. i can certainly see the avenues on where you can take it. i’m not vegan but i have changed my diet a lot recently and i’ve seen that same effect. focused on proper portions and staples like rice and beans and my food bills go down. 350 sounds like a dream, but its gonna take a lot more discipline in my household to get there.

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

never heard of this tool and it’s been something i’ve been looking for. thanks!

[–] comfyquaker 3 points 5 days ago

I stopped my xfinity mobile because the service was absolutely dreadful. id have either full bars or none and id always have my friends ragging on my connection to Discord. The conspiracy i had in my head was that i was never using cell service but rather the xfinity service would bounce you around their local wifi spots to provide you service whether you had wifi services on or not. probably not true but it surely felt like it.

Tried Mint and it worked just ok. it was nice because at the time i was using an android soap phone and didn’t need much data.

Recently switched my wife and I to Visible plans. even though it is the same coverage as xfinity mobile and uses the Verizon network, it is a night and day difference in connection quality. at 25 a line, i’m happy with visible. i recall my xfinity lines were 30 each after any ‘deals’.

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 6 days ago

very true. there really something liberating about about self hosting.

[–] comfyquaker 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

i think using node and express.js is very approachable in serving your web content.

following the hello world example on their site will help clarify how everything clicks together.

i know u said this is a project for learning, but static site hosting is pretty cheap and may provide less headaches as you’re learning. sites like porkbun offer it for $3 USD and i think even github has a free way tp host a static site. idk what running a computer at home would cost monthly in electricity.

[–] comfyquaker 6 points 1 week ago

generally ice water, but i also like Pocari sweat if its on hand.

[–] comfyquaker 1 points 1 week ago

they must have done it or the system they refurbed had it done. i thought i initially when i was buying it i was getting a 3ds xl but arrived as an ll

[–] comfyquaker 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

hmm yeah i don’t generally use crossbows either. i feel in a lot of games they’re strong but then their cooldown or reload time is super slow and takes you out of the action to load up another shot. at that time i’ve probably switched to another weapon.

mount and blade comes to mind. ill use a crossbow as i approach people on horseback but once i’m in the thick of battle its swapped out for some lance or another long pointy boi. even then id only be using the crossbow if i didn’t have a bow available to me.

edit: except in i think age of empires 2. those chinese cho ko no ku ??? units are bomb as hell


Started playing this game today, and with retro games I hate looking things up. So, if you've played this, could you be my friend at the lunch table and clarify a few things:

  • Am I imagining this games difficulty? I feel like I am making little progress and I'm always getting ganged up on.

  • Does this game require a lot of grinding or repeating tasks before moving on?

  • Should I be killing these innocents I see on the street? I try to get shadow runs but they seemingly always involve killing ghouls, which bend me over and spank my samurai butt. I've put my morals on hold and have been tediously murdering the population for the little nuyen and items they have.

  • is the samurai class the all-rounder character or should I just restart as a shaman or netrunner?

I really like the atmosphere of the game and despite my Initial confusions I'm having fun. Do you have any insights you could provide me? Do/did you like this game? How is it compared to the Snes version?

Thanks in advance chums.

submitted 2 months ago by comfyquaker to c/clocks

Ive been looking for a cuckoo clock i could afford for ages, and i finally found one at an estate sale!

it doesn’t have any makers marks on it and it is a very simple design, so I imagine it must just be a cheaper souvenir type you would get when traveling to Germany in the 80s / early 90s.

that doesn’t matter much to me. i wanted this to fill the nostalgic sound from when i was a little child at my grandparents. so cozy.

i have a new found respect for clock mechanisms. little things like how level the clock is and the beat of the pendulum matter in its functionality. kudos to anyone who has clock repair as a hobby.

it has ran a full 24hrs after getting it level and adjusting the pendulum boot. fingers crossed that it keeps running after i pull the weights back up!

submitted 3 months ago by comfyquaker to c/foodporn

I finally found some time to figure out my meat grinder. I wanted to start simple so I figured i could try to make chicken nuggets. ended up making about 50 good-sized nuggets.

Thoroughly impressed with the grinder and the breading stayed on the chicken marvelously. better yet (for me) these are gluten-free and grain-free. instead of panko or other breading, i used pork rinds that i blended up into a coarse powder to coat the chicken. I baked these, but i certainly would like to fry them some time.

I am very happy with the result! Especially since it allows me to enjoy something i haven’t had in a long while.


Basic loaf in the back and blueberry in the front. I try to make them every Sunday to be used in breakfasts and lunches throughout the work week.

Rare Brotherly Love (
submitted 4 months ago by comfyquaker to c/shiba

A battle occurred shortly after taking the photo. do other shiba households see this attitude? when you catch them doing something cute they seem to balance it out by being rowdy and loud shortly after.

the lil one (
submitted 11 months ago by comfyquaker to c/shiba
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