I don’t get the impression he gives a shit about his kids.
Kidnapped? He probably lost track of the other 12 that he isn’t using as photo op props in the Oval Office.
This feels like it will help.
Dude whaaaat? Commercial display signage outside and what could need that many Ethernet runs in a house?
It looked like just weird angles and lighting to me.
Yes because I’m terrible at it.
Sucks but better than paying for cable to still see ads.
Can’t be old, Vivek’s there?
Haha not while I’ve been alive! Capitalism baby. 🫠
That and they have ways to reuse “spent” nuclear fuel in newer reactors that can use fuel that older reactors have finished using.
Hey I genuinely believe the legal teams pursuing holding him to just give it their absolute full selves. Proud to be an American because of people Jack Smith and their pursuit to justice.
Pffftft get bent. Providing military gear to Ukraine that was destined to be disposed of for reaching its end of life by sitting on a shelf doesn’t really cost the US much, other than on an accounting ledger. It’s either on the balance sheet as “N number of ATACMS valued at $X were disposed of for $Z (cost of disposal)” or “N number of ATACMS valued at $X were provided to Ukraine at a cost of $W (cost of shipping)”. Which end up being roughly the same.
Regardless the munitions are gone and off the books. Both outcomes mean US arms producers get to make more missiles — which is money spent within the US on US jobs.
So, who gives a shit? Let Ukraine defend themselves while Russia expends money and soldiers. Ya Muppet.