Moneybags over here affording one beer at a bar in 2024.
Reminds me of this but it might be the artist's version of jersey devil or the chupacabra.
Someone being there to find them in the first place might be a factor in all this.
In godot engine you can put an underscore at the beginning of a variable to tell the linter to calm the hell down about it. But I don't see why it's such a crisis in the first place.
Guys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
My area is able to keep them open for about 7 total minutes yearly.
This baby will give you nearly 8 months of hot water before needing to be replaced.
This is a recent one that came up, but this happens every few months. If payment processors just did their jobs there wouldn't be as much of a need for other ways to do transactions. It's also still a pain in the ass to send money to individuals in other countries even when everything works the way it's intended.
A lot of front ends strip it out since it can be used in so many disruptive ways.
In my app I don't see the space normally, but when I reply to your comment it shows a focused view which DOES seem to show the space.
Alt+255 gives you an invisible character but I'm on a phone so I can't check if that fixes George.
I heard the word fuck as an 8 year old and it messed me up completely.