And that's what love is all about
joined 2 years ago
... btw
- I don't pay the bear tax, I pay the homer tax.
- That's the home owner tax The bear/immigration episode
Apparently 6000 of the guys in first pane killed themselves in the US last year
That is very relevant and hilarious 😁
That's a hilarious exchange 🤣
Similarly, if a Dutch person ever asks you to "kiss my moist cunt" or (kies mijn mooiste kant), don't take offence.
What's gaya genda?
That's me haha fml
Too much. I alternate between xitter, lemmy and YouTube. Sometimes I leave YouTube on in the background while I alternate twitter and lemmy. It's a problem.
It's kinda hard to tell. They seemed to be defending the post in the replies
Don't know whatever this would be considered dating. It sounds like you're looking for friends to do stuff with and if lucky something might develop between you. A good option could be joining honor groups or aggressively hanging out with the few friends you have. Like tell them about your plans and keep telling them till they join you m that way, you might meet their friends and extend your friend pool