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[–] chatokun 3 points 2 years ago

I think just "taking the red pill" is the main metaphor. It involves learning what you and the world truly are, and you can't go back to the lie. I'm def no expert though.

[–] chatokun -3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Yeah, eating holly berries will do that to ya.

[–] chatokun 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Burning books like this requires enough targeted hatred and a need to offend the targets. It also is usually more effective if your target is a minority (not specifically racial, just a much weaker target), as that bolsters your position of power and lessens the likelihood of retaliation.

Atheists sometimes have that much hatred, but at least where I am Christianity isn't small enough to be a minority, so the fear of backlash might be holding back some of the hatred type atheists.

Another reason may depend on why someone became an atheists. Many of us don't hate religious people directly, we just have issues with what organized religion gets away with. People like me came to this conclusion by comparing scientific evidence to blind faith. By nature, faith will be more emotional and reactionary, whereas if you come to a position after learning and changing yourself, you're more open to understanding why it's not really a good idea to hate like that.

Though I'd call myself agnostic vs an atheist.

[–] chatokun 1 points 2 years ago

Sometimes, yeah. I had several years in FL 2here I didn't get above 3.5% unless it was a title and position change

[–] chatokun 7 points 2 years ago

As a consumer of Knowledge Fight and their out of context drops, I'd like to call him a "loser little.. little titty baby!!"

[–] chatokun 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

S mode is in 10 also. I work for a MSP that recommends virtual desktops to our clients, so we often have to help users connect from their home PCs. It wasn't a ton, but enough people were locked in S-mode we all had practice walking them through disabling It, because it blocks our remote control app also if in s made.

[–] chatokun 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Still? I may not be a modern day cholera expert, but isn't Gatorade and monitoring enough in present day?

Edit: what, she even refused to drink water?! Yeah, that isn't a typical vegan (I eat meat still, I just don't like the way society dunks on vegans). This feels similar to people who insist on a specific strange diet and harm themselves with it(or lie about it), like Peterson's all meat diet or liver king's 'diet'.

[–] chatokun 5 points 2 years ago

They've both been on infowars multiple times, but some legitimate people do get on that show by accident too. Like Story Musgrave and Dr Dean Edell.

[–] chatokun 0 points 2 years ago

While we agree Biden has issues, seeing only RKJR and someone who without looking her up again just triggered "crazy!" In my head, I simply wondered why there wasn't any progressive candidates listed at all. Marianne has some rep issues to work on. This is from someone who has been out of touch for a bit with politics as in people running, bu5 definitely with leftwing viewpoints. I wouldn't make a final decision this early, I'd research more before actually voting. But faced with a sudden poll, I don't like a single person I recognize, and I don't recognize far more.

[–] chatokun 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think this is a commentary replacing majority white productions to include minorities, but if you take a quick look: every female character has been replaced by a male character, none in the reverse. Mom could easily serve as Ursula, or Leela as King Triton, since Fry is decidedly not badass, but here we are.

[–] chatokun 19 points 2 years ago (1 children)

While I agree with the sentiment, making a plan to make changes is a very important first step. I'm still a car driver who wants better public transportation, while also acknowledging its very unlikely for my area (45 mins outside Atlanta, GA). However, if we aim for it specifically, it's always a good step, even if it's not going to be instant or 5 years.

One of the biggest issues ro change are people saying "that won't happen" and just not changing the status quo. We don't need to perfectly do it in a short time, but we do need to start making steps right away, even if they take longer than we want.

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