Time flies when you're having fun.
TL:DR patents are important, but easily abused.
Yes, I'll try.
Patents can cover many aspects of design. Sometimes, these aspects are positive and deserve protection for the original inventors. Other times, the claims could be so obscure and 'thats obvious to anyone' that it's a waste to protect them - but (sometimes ignorant) patent attorneys fail to do their research and award patents anyway.
It could be that the keyboard being below the screen in that form factor was considered novel. It could be the trackball used in the centre. It could be the two combined, then attached to a phone. It could be the shaping and ergonomic aspect of the keyboard. It could be raises or detents to aid location of keys for fast typing on a handheld device.
Same mentality but HP Elitedesk Minis
Take a look at ARM Morello and CHERI.
Cult of the Lamb
We welcome you!!!
Ah yes another medium for advertisements.
Graph paper is the squares paper, I believe :)
Excuse me, it goes: Fork->Knife->Spoon->tea spoon.
I don't know what this is but it's certainly not in keeping with the lord's way.
Why not say 2/5ths??
Thank you, some great new wallpapers!