
joined 1 year ago
[–] cbarrick 15 points 1 day ago


Linux won because it worked. Hurd was stuck in research and development hell. They never were able to catch up.

[–] cbarrick 71 points 1 day ago (2 children)

However, Linus's kernel was more elaborate than GNU Hurd, so it was incorporated.

Quite the opposite.

GNU Hurd was a microkernel, using lots of cutting edge research, and necessitating a lot of additional complexity in userspace. This complexity also made it very difficult to get good performance.

Linux, on the other hand, was just a bog standard Unix monolithic kernel. Once they got a libc working on it, most existing Unix userspace, including the GNU userspace, was easy to port.

Linux won because it was simple, not elaborate.

[–] cbarrick 6 points 2 days ago

Do Nerd Fonts use the Unicode private use area?

It seems not. It seems like they replace CJK characters instead.

The PUA seems like the right way to handle this.

[–] cbarrick 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Motorola has been in the tracker game since way before Air Tags.

I remember getting a Bluetooth tracker with my Moto X circa 2014. Back when Tile dominated the market.

[–] cbarrick 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

You talk about "non-absolutist," but this thread got started because the parent comment said "literally never."

I am literally making the point that the absolutist take is bad, and that there are good reasons to call unwrap in prod code.


[–] cbarrick -1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Fair. But unwrap versus expect isn't really the point. Sure one has a better error message printed to your backtrace. But IMO that's not what I'm looking for when I'm looking at a backtrace. I don't mind plain unwraps or assertions without messages.

From my experience, when people say "don't unwrap in production code" they really mean "don't call panic! in production code." And that's a bad take.

Annotating unreachable branches with a panic is the right thing to do; mucking up your interfaces to propagate errors that can't actually happen is the wrong thing to do.

[–] cbarrick 2 points 2 days ago (8 children)

Unwrap should literally never appear in production code

Unwrap comes up all the time in the standard library.

For example, if you know you're popping from a non-empty vector, unwrap is totally the right too for the job. There are tons of circumstances where you know at higher levels that edge cases defended against at lower levels with Option cannot occur.

[–] cbarrick 2 points 3 days ago

TIL. Thanks for the correction.

[–] cbarrick 26 points 4 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

\1. Many retro games were made for CRT TVs at 480p. Updating the graphics stack modern TVs is valuable, even if nothing else is changed.

\2. All of my old consoles only have analog A/V outputs. And my TV only has one analog A/V input. The mess of adapter cables and swapping is annoying. I want the convenience of playing on a system that I already have plugged in.

\3. I don't even still have some of the consoles that play my favorite classic games, and getting retro hardware is sometimes difficult. Especially things like N64 controllers with good joysticks.

Studios don't need to do a full blown remake to solve these problems. But I'm also not going to say the Crash and Spyro remakes weren't welcome. Nintendo's Virtual Console emulators toe this line pretty well.

But studios should still put in effort to make these classic games more accessible to modern audiences, and if that means a remake, that's fine with me.

(I'm mostly thinking about the GameCube/PS2 generation and earlier. I don't see much value in remakes of the Wii/PS3 generation yet.)

[–] cbarrick 26 points 4 days ago (3 children)

They can't even be punished. robots.txt is just a convention, not a regulation. It's totally not enforceable.

The only legal framework we have is copyright law. Those who oppose this behavior will have to demonstrate copyright violation, and that may be difficult to do since the law hasn't caught up.

[–] cbarrick 70 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (8 children)

This comment is copyrighted by me and licensed to the public under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you intend to use this comment for commercial purposes, you must secure a commercial license from me, which will cost you a lot of money. If you violate the terms of the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 without securing an appropriate license, I will send my army of lawyers that I totally definitely have to defend my copyright against you in court.


On my "subscribed" page, if I scroll down, the app crashes. Not sure of anything more than that. But it's definitely repeatable for me.

Device information

Sync version: v23.11.29-22:27    
Sync flavor: googlePlay    

View type: Smaller cards    

Device: ASUS_AI2302    
Model: asus ASUS_AI2302    
Android: 14

cross-posted from:


  • Canada plays in Toronto on June 12 and Vancouver on June 18 and June 24.

  • USA plays in LA on June 12 and June 25 and Seattle on June 19.

  • Mexico plays in Mexico City on June 11 and June 24 and Guadalajara on June 18.

  • Semifinals in Dallas and Atlanta. Bronze Final in Miami. Final in NYC.

The article has a nice graphic schedule you can download if you want to plan travel to specific cities. Groups have not been drawn yet, so we only know USA, CAN, and MEX.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by cbarrick to c/syncforlemmy

GBoard (Google's keyboard for Android) has a GIF entry feature.

Sync properly uploads the GIF from GBoard to my Lemmy instance, but the GIF does not play in the comments, and clicking on it returns an error "image was actually a web page!"

For the record, they're not technically GIFs. GBoard uploads the image as WebM.

This seems like a user journey that should be supported. Android users who use Google's keyboard to input a GIF comment would expect it to work or throw an error at upload time. Instead, Sync allows us to submit such comments, but they are broken upon viewing.

Device information

Sync version: v23.11.29-22:27    
Sync flavor: googlePlay    

Ultra user: true    
View type: Smaller cards    

Device: ASUS_AI2302    
Model: asus ASUS_AI2302    
Android: 14
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by cbarrick to c/splatoon

Do people intentionally disconnect mid battle?

I've seen a ton of DCs, both early in the game and late.

It really hurts my enjoyment of the game. Like, even if we're getting smoked, I'd rather stick around and work as a team to the end. I mean, it's only a couple minutes. And a DC counts as a loss anyway.

It's really frustrating to see all of these DCs. Are people really rage quitting, or is it just bad networking?

Edit: I just got Splatoon 3 for Christmas, but I'm a veteran of the series. Rage quitting did not seem to be as big of a problem in the previous two games.

Trump's mug shot (
submitted 10 months ago by cbarrick to c/pics

cross-posted from:[email protected]/t/370751

A recent study highlights the health benefits of particular plants closing and generally reducing exposure to fossil fuels, researchers say.


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The judge is required to follow the jury’s decision. Here’s what to know.

A federal jury on Wednesday condemned to death the gunman who killed 11 worshipers at a Pittsburgh synagogue in October 2018, in what is considered the deadliest antisemitic attack in American history.

The jury’s decision, which is binding on the judge, was announced Wednesday in the same federal courtroom where the jurors in June convicted the gunman, Robert Bowers, 50, of carrying out the massacre during sabbath services nearly five years ago. The judge will formally impose the sentence at a hearing on Thursday morning, when families of some victims are expected to address the court.

In a statement, the family of two victims — Rose Mallinger, a 97-year-old member of the Tree of Life congregation who was killed in the attack, and Andrea Wedner, her daughter, who was wounded — thanked the jury. “Although we will never attain closure from the loss of our beloved Rose Mallinger, we now feel a measure of justice has been served,” the statement read.

Jurors deliberated for just under 10 hours before reaching the verdict.

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